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3 Feburary 2014// time unknown
Ashton POV (Lauren's dream)

Three of the six of us are missing to Lauren, Michael and Holly. One is... dead.
I just watch my best friend, the boy who was literally intimidated by me the first time we met, the boy who could easily make anyone happy through his kindness... Gone. His eyes loosing all emotion with just a bang. Why the fuck did this have to happen? why did we come into the abandoned house?

I gotta find Michael and the others, right now.
I take a deep breath, look around and bolt back to the direction I came from.

Dropping my phone, I can't worry about shit like that now at a time like this.

7 MARCH 2014 - 7:32 am
Lauren's POV

*John Cena airhorn thing*
Jolting up in surprise, I hit my head on the bed post beside me.
"ffFfffff-balls." I groan in pain as I pick up my phone. Note to self, change Michael's ringtone.

"Michael what the fuck do you want it's too early."
"Well sorry sleeping beauty but why didn't you answer my calls and texts last night you idiot !"
"I was tired Clifford I wanted to sleep for gods sake"
"Well I found something you may wanna see..." He trails off.
"It's this important Michael?"
He pauses again, I hear the turn of a page.
"Yeah, it really is"
I don't really understand what's s important, "I'll be there in 5 Mikey"
"Hurry okay."

Quickly getting dressed into the first pair of jeans and a shirt I see , I quickly walk downstairs and write a note for my mum since it's like 7 am or whatever.

Thankfully Michael's house is a few blocks away so plugging in my headphones I begin the journey to find out what's sooooo important.

We haven't talked in quite soooome time,
I know
I haven't been the best...

"LAAAAAUUUUUUURRRRRREEEEEEENNNNNNN" I hear Michael yell from about 100 meters infront of me, I jog to get to where he is at.
He engulfs me in a hug, "okaysothereallyreallyimportantthingisinsideanddontpanicandfaintwhenyouseeitlikemeokay"

"Woah slowww down there kitten, what thing"

"I'll show you" he says, his hyper voice slowing down into a sad, slow tone.

"Should I be scared?"

"Yes and no, I guess. It just depends."

"On what?"

"How you take it"

Following him into his room we shut the door, "okay so don't freak out."
He hands me a few sheets of paper, stapled together. They look as if they've been folding into a small square.

After reading the first line, I realise what it is.
It's that note that I saw the other night, the one that started like "My dearest Lauren"

Oh my god.

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