Calum's POV (once again in Lauren's "dream")

I open my eyes to see an extremely bright light shining above my head.

"What the-"

A cold hand covers my mouth before I continue, my eyes widen in fear.

"Shhhh my child, it's okay. you won't be hurt... yet"

Holy shit. Thrashing my wrapped body from side to side I try to escape form this lunatic's grasp. I attempt to scream but the hands wrap tighter around my face, as if it was a snake slowly choking me, I am it's next meal.

"Now Calum, is that right?" Says the first man I nod my head quickly in approval, no joking around in this position.

"So Calum Hood" how the hell does he know my last name?

"Nothing... Too bad will happen to you if you cooperate with me."

Him? What about the other kid? What if he's like me?

"But if you don't" he flicks his head towards, what seems a young guy, maybe like 24 years old, who holds up a big painting. The one of me.

I gulp,

"Y-yes sir"

"Good boy"

He starts stroking my hair, me feeling more uncomfortable by the minute. Who is this creep? And. And what does he sound so familiar? I can't put my finger on it but I've heard his voice before... I just know it.

"What do I need to?" I say, surprisingly confident. Hey, this is my life I'm fighting for.

"I need you to kill that girl, Lauren. In the most torturous way possible"

My eyes widen, no not Lauren.

"Is there anyone else besides Lauren?" I say shakily.

"Hmmmmm" he pauses or a while

"Unless you want to die in a extra painful way then..."

"Wait I thought you said I wouldn't die?" I quickly blurt out

"I never said I did or didn't!" He says in a deep growl. His accompanist grabs a knife, throwing it to the older man, Holy crap.

As he approaches me I shake with fear. Then blurt out something that I know I'm going to regret, deeply regret:

"I'll.. I'll do it" I'm gonna die anyways, but at least it'll be less painful.

The old pervert smiles

Maybe I won't kill Lauren.. Maybe I will. I'll have to find some more alternatives, I can get out of it.

Even if it means taking my own life.


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