Chapter 2 - Garnet The Phoenix

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Everyone started to head back to class once the lunch bell goes off, Desmon being the last to return since he had to change clothes and fix his hair. Matthew doesn't seem to be happy that the coffee was easily washed off and the clothes so easily replaced. The rest of the day seems to be just normal classes as finals are tomorrow. The teacher hopes everyone has studied and is ready to take them before trying to get into the college of their choice. The end of the day bell goes off as the teacher dismisses them. Desmon quickly gathers his items and heads for the exit, hoping and praying that he is faster than Matthew and misses out on a beating. Fate is against Desmon as he is shoved against the wall by none other than Matthew.

"Not so fast, nerd," Matthew says with a sigh, his two buddies beside him. "You think you can just act smart and get away with it?"

Desmon looks at the ground, not wanting to meet Matthew's eyes, scared of the repercussions of showing his emotions.

"No... I just want to go home," Desmon says in a fragile voice.

"Ya, home so you can cry over being rejected?" Matthew says in a mocking tone as his buddies join in the mocking.

"Yea, well why don't you get the hell out of my face," Desmon snaps back, surprising all three of the boys.

Desmon looks up at the boys staring with a look of determination.

"What did you say!?" Matthew barks back.

"I said leave me alone, that's all," Desmon says and continues on his way.

Matthew stands there for a few moments, flabbergasted that Desmon dared to talk back.

"How dare you talk back to me, you nerd!" Matthew shouts from the other end of the hallway walking fast toward Desmon.

Instead of replying, Desmon takes the opportunity and makes a run for it. Matthew quickly pursues him into the nearby woods. When Desmon trips over a root, Matthew catches up and beats him to a pulp, rendering him unconscious. As Matthew leaves him there, scoffing and once again labeling Desmon a weak mage who will never succeed, he heads home.

As the evening fades into night, the day becomes darker. Clouds cover the night sky, preventing moonlight from reaching Earth. Desmon stirs awake, groaning in pain from his beating earlier. Looking around, Desmon realizes the clouds make it hard to see, so he casts a candlelight spell to see himself and his surroundings.

'Great lost in the woods in the middle of the night? Dammit, I should've been home hours ago, mom must be worried sick.' Desmon thinks worried.

The sound of crickets chirping, owls hooting, babbling brooks, and the wind rustling leaves in the autumn wind brings an odd calming sensation.

'I have to find my way out of here, but which way do I go? Damnit, I should have just accepted the beating! Then I wouldn't be in this mess!' Desmon thinks, trying his best to keep his panic at a minimum.

In the breeze, Desmon hears a female voice, "Draconian? A Draconian here?"

Desmon's panic turns into curiosity. "Who's there? Can you help me find my way out?" questions Desmon, surprised by how calm he is.

"Aye, young Draconian. Please follow the wind." replies the female voice.

Desmon walks deeper into the forest following the whispering wind.

"Um Miss, what do you mean Draconian, I have just Drake for a last name?" Desmon asks, confused by the name given to him by the voice.

"You'll find out soon, young Drake, just keep following the wind." The female voice says.

Arcadia Arcane Academy: Rise Of The Beast Master - Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now