Gone away

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Chan nodded, walking towards Hyunjin

"Hun...Stay here I'll just go have a talk with the doctor" Chan smiled

Hyunjin nodded, Chan kissing his forehead after

Chan stepped outside, closing the door

"I ran some tests last night...." He started

"And I got some news......Very bad news..." He said

Chan was scared, but he calmed himself

"The baby arent doing well.........Im afraid...."

"He had a miscarriage.."

Chan felt like his whole world stopped

Tears started to form from his eyes

His hands got shaky

"Im so sorry.......But the blood you saw last night....."

"Was from the baby.........We took the baby away.......S-shes....In the incubator......."

Chan bawled his fist

"Take me to her..." Chan sternly said

The doctor nodded before leading him to the room

Chans lips quivered looking at the small figure in one bed

The baby was so small

The baby...The baby could've been their angel...The light to their souls,
Their small little bean

Tears fell from his eyes as he shivered

"Im so sorry...." The doctor said patting his back

Chan sniffled before looking at the doctor

"I want to go back to Hyunjin..." He muttered

The doctor nodded before leading him

Chan walked into the room, his hand still shaking

"C-channie?" Hyunjin asked, getting up a bit

"T-the baby......" Chan muttered

"W-what about the baby?" Hyunjin asked

No answer.

"CHANNIE WHAT ABOUT THE BABY??!" Hyunjins eyes swelled with tears

"Shes g-gone......." Chan said

Hyunjins eyes widened the tears falling down his face

"No.....No.....No.....No......NO!" He screamed

Chan looked at him before holding his hands

"Its all going to be okay....." Chan said

Hyunjin cried harder

It was all his fault.



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