The day

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Today was finally the day

Hyunjin huffed as Felix tied his corset

"Can you breathe jinnie? Does your tummy feel
Comfy?" Felix asked

"Yeah....Thanks lix" Hyunjin smiled

"Hyun, heres your shoes" Jisung showed Hyunjin heels at werent too high and wouldn't make him trip

Hyunjin nodded before sitting down

His beautiful hair was being tied by Jeongin

"Felix can you pass me the butterfly clip?" Jeongin asked

"Here innie" Felix gave the boy the butterfly clip

Jeongin thanked the boy before clipping it onto Hyunjins hair

Hyunjins hair was braided and tied up into one bun

Hyunjin felt pretty, his head had flowers and butterflies and decorations

Jeongin attached a beautiful white vail onto Hyunjins hair

Hyunjin smiles before standing up

He almost tripped but the three catched him

"Thanks guys...Your the best" Hyunjin said before hugging them

"Anything for you jinnie...You got this Fighting!" Jeongin said with a smile

Hyunjin smiled when the door opened

"Sweetie" The door opened to Hyunjins mom

"M-mother" Hyunjin smiled widely

"Im sorry I couldn't make it earlier" She apologised

"Its okay mommy" Hyunjin said

"Here hyun, I have a gift for you" She said giving Hyunjin a black
Velvet box

Hyunjin tilted his head before opening the box

It revealed a beautiful necklace with a blue gem in the middle

"Thanks mom..." Hyunjin smiled at her

The woman nodded before smiling

The door then opened to Hyunjins father holding a baby

"Baekhyunnie.." Hyunjin smiled

"Ma...mamaa!" Baekhyun ran to Hyunjin before hugging the boys thigh

Hyunjin smiled before crouching down to pick up
The small baby

"How are you today baby?~" Hyunjin asked in a soft voice

"Me goowd mowmmy!" Baekhyun said smiling widely, showing
His teeth

"Whats that baby?" Hyunjin asked, looking at the thing Baekhyun was holding

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