07| seven

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In Jungkook's well-lit bedroom, the items that once adorned his study table now lay scattered across the floor, a stark contrast to their former order. His face contorted with intense rage, teeth bared, and jaw clenched, revealing the depth of his frustration. Visibly shaking with anger, the room echoed with his ragged breaths.

"I'M NOT A CREEP!" Jungkook's shout cut through the air as he grabbed his pillow, ready to release his frustration. However, he froze abruptly, his eyes fixated on a paper tucked under the pillow.

Overwhelmed by a surge of emotions, Jungkook sank to the floor with a soft thud, tears streaming down his face. Pain radiated through him, a result of the hurtful words Taehyung had flung at him earlier in school.

Anger bubbled within Jungkook, fueled by the unjust label of being called a creep. He staunchly believed he was anything but that.

Amidst the pain and anger, a profound sadness enveloped Jungkook. The realization that he had resorted to attempting to manifest Taehyung's affection through some video-inspired trick hit him hard. He had hoped to capture the boy's love, but the act intensified the ache in his heart. Deep down, Jungkook knew his efforts were futile, acknowledging that he might never have Taehyung's love.

In that moment of vulnerability, Jungkook couldn't help but pity himself.

Jungkook pulled his legs closer to his chest, hugging his knees tightly, as he cried out in sorrow. His chest heaved up and down, nose runny from the relentless tears. His eyes were red and puffy, presenting a disheveled image of emotional turmoil.

Amidst the visible distress, Jungkook carried the weight of his desperate attempts to capture Taehyung's attention. The lengths he went to were evident, even to himself. Regret lingered as he recalled the unintended consequences, like pushing Hoseok down the stairs. Despite the remorse, a twisted sense of satisfaction settled in his heart, convincing him that he did what was necessary. In his mind, removing anything in the way of him and Taehyung, even if it meant harming Hoseok, seemed justified.

"Hoseok deserved it anyway," Jungkook laughed in a creepy manner, though he firmly believed he wasn't creepy but rather cute. Slowly crawling towards the dresser, he gazed at his reflection in the mirror, a small smile gracing his lips. Unconsciously, he raised his hand, delicately tracing his fingers on his reflection's face, as if caressing the features he adored the most.

"I look a lot cuter than Hoseok," he declared dreamily, eyes fixated on his own reflection. "In fact, I'm the cutest. Hoseok is nothing compared to me. I'm the one meant for Taehyung."

Soft giggles escaped Jungkook, exposing his fragile side. Returning to the bed, he casually plopped down onto the soft mattress with his phone, as if the earlier chaos and tears were a distant memory.

Jungkook's duality was insane.

Jungkook delved into watching every video, eager to try out some of the tricks. While he grasped some concepts, others soared above his understanding. As he continued scrolling, a particular video caught his attention.

He started watching each and every video of her. Wanting to try some out, while some he didn't understand, going above of his head. As he kept scrolling, Jungkook came across a video which he thought to try out.

In the instructional video, a girl demonstrated a manifestation technique using a square-shaped paper. She began by repeatedly writing the phrase 'lovemelovemelovemeloveme' without lifting her pen, creating a box out of the words 'love me.' Next, she centered the word 'name' five times within this box, using a red pen for emphasis. The video concluded with a crucial directive, advising viewers to keep the paper close to their body.

Jungkook's grin widened as he decided to give it a shot. Determination filled him, and he was adamant that nothing would deter him. The simplicity of the method fueled his resolve, and Jungkook was prepared to go to any extent to win Taehyung's affection.

With newfound determination, Jungkook swiftly grabbed a pen from the bedside and a piece of paper. Cutting it into a square shape, he diligently began writing the words 'love me' repeatedly, forming a box, just as demonstrated in the video.

Next, he took a red pen and inscribed 'Taehyung' five times in a column. Folding the paper into a small chit, Jungkook grinned at his creation. The crucial step remained – keeping the paper close to his body. For now, he opted to place it on his desk, planning to tuck it under the waistband of his pants the next morning as he headed to university.

Feeling a surge of giddiness, Jungkook skipped back to his bed, switching off the bedroom light. The contrast in his emotions was stark, a complete 360° turn from the earlier chaos in his room. The turbulent feelings had given way to a sudden wave of happiness.

With a giddy smile, he picked up his phone and read the caption of the video. It urged him to trust the method and harbor positive thoughts, emphasizing that his belief could influence the real-life outcome.

Not needing convincing, Jungkook already harbored complete faith in the method. At this point, he genuinely believed that whatever the video showed would manifest in his life. His trust in this particular method was unwavering, and he was one hundred percent certain it would work out in his favor.

He believes it to be his Power of Love.

He envisioned Taehyung desperately searching for him the next morning, eager to confess his love. The fantasy extended to picturing himself dating Taehyung from the very next day and eventually getting married.

In his mind's eye, Jungkook could already see Hoseok attending their wedding, sitting at a distance with a bittersweet smile. A devilish smirk played on Jungkook's lips at the thought.

His imagination didn't stop there; it ventured into the intimate realm. Jungkook envisioned making love to Taehyung, a desire burning within him. The intensity of his longing for Taehyung manifested in these vivid images, fueling Jungkook's anticipation for the unfolding of his imagined future.

Filled with excitement and anticipation, Jungkook resisted the urge to jump around the room in happiness. Instead, he decided to go to sleep, eagerly awaiting the morning. With plans to rise early, he couldn't wait to see how Taehyung, the love of his life, would react.

The trust he placed in the manifestation trick shown in the video was unwavering. Jungkook's belief was so profound, it bordered on blind trust.

As he drifted off to sleep, dreams of a future with Taehyung played in his mind, and he hoped that the manifestations he set in motion would soon become his reality.


As you can see, at this point Jungkook has lost his mind🙂

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