Chapter 9: The Dragon Finds Her Lair

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Rivka Avraham was a nervous flyer. It was why she never joined Christian on these trips of his, especially the ones to the states. There was no way she was going to spend 21 hours in something that wasn't supposed to be in the air in the first place no matter who sat beside her. Although Rivka was positive that Christian would have made it easier for her.

Although she wasn't flying, Rivka was nervous. She was sitting in a black SUV with tinted windows in the back of the parking garage for the airport. It had always been her job to pick up Christian when he came home although this time she'd brought along Luca to help with the bags. She'd had a vigorous workout the day before with some new weapons and they had left her rather sore. She also didn't want to be alone when Christian introduced his new friend.

She was worried because he'd never done this before, changed someone. Most of them were in agreement that their lives had been taken from them when they were changed without their permission and she was very shocked that Christian would do that to someone else. There had to be a reason why and Rivka was afraid of that reason. Christian had never done anything without telling her first and she was unsure of what this meant.

Rivka checked the clock for the fifth time and leaned back against the seat. It was only 1:30 and his plane wasn't supposed to land until 2. Rivka wasn't very good at waiting for things especially things that she didn't feel very good about.

"Rivka you need to stop worrying about everything. It will all be ok."

"Luca, you always say that." Rivka answered, her hand massaging the headache that was coming on. She would have thought that these retched things would leave once she was changed but apparently they were with her for as long as she lived. Fantastic.

Luca laughed as he listened to her shuffle in the front seat. Luca eyes remained closed as he rested with his hands behind his head in the passenger's seat. Luca was just fine with waiting, he always had been. Patience was what won wars and Luca had been in enough to know.

Minutes had passed and Luca could still hear Rivka groaning beside him. He turned his head, "Can you please calm down? You're driving me insane."

"Well I don't know how you can just sit there and wait like that." Rivka answered. She was the type of person that needed to stay moving.

Rivka groaned again after checking the time and looked around the car for things to distract herself. Her eyes landed on her own slender fingers that were currently decked out in gold. She had gone all out today, of course that was before she had heard the news. Occasionally she would decorate herself with the gold paint of her people. She had done it today because she knew how much Christian liked it and it seemed like he'd been away for a long time. She had wanted to surprise him. She'd even worn her long brunette hair down around her shoulders instead of in her customary braid because she knew it looked more attractive She didn't want Christian's first view of her to be one that he'd always seen. However it seemed that all of those things were useless because Christian had brought a friend home.

"What do you think she'll look like?" Rivka turned to look at the lounging Luca.

Luca sighed; he had known this was coming. Rivka had been on edge sense Ian had called ahead and told them they would have a new house guest. It seemed everyone in the castle knew that Rivka held a torch for Ian and it seemed Ian didn't want to do anything about it. It also seemed like he'd finally found interest in someone else. "I think that she will be pretty but no one knows." Luca mumbled.

To say that Luca was fed up with Rivka's infatuation was an understatement. Rivka had been holding this crush for centuries now and it was really time for her to let it go. Especially now that Ian had found someone. He didn't want her ruining Ian's chance at real love.

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