|°[ Tender Lovin' ]°|

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Date Published: 1/24/22

Number 1 won in the poll of last chapter!

Remember: after y/n sleeps, there will be one day of y/n's full shift (hence why the date wasn't sooner), and then the day after that will be y/n and Bob's date in the morning! (And then work after that lol)


Asking Kevin for advice was the best option, he obviously had more wisdom than you considering the fact that he had expertly packed your bag for your first time meeting up with Bob. You were hoping Kevin was just as good at giving relationship advice as he was at keeping walkie talkies unmuted. After sitting down on the edge of your bed, you typed in Kevin's phone number from the night before. (For context, he and Y/N exchanged numbers for safety reasons.) The phone rang for a moment, an anxious moment as you thought about what to say. The ringing stopped, and Kevin's familiar voice spoke.

"Hello?" Kevin said through the phone.

"Hey, Kevs. It's me." You replied, rocking back and forth lightly.

"Y/N? I wasn't expecting a call from you, 'specially this late. What is it?" Kevin asked with a curious tone.

"Well, I was hoping you could give me advice..." You started with a small chuckle.

"... It's about the devil guy, isn't it?" Kevin sighed as if he wasn't even surprised.

"Yeaaaah.." You huffed in defeat, slouching.

"Gotcha. Ok, let's see. Uhhhhh, what kind of advice? Like- dating? Cause, considering some other aspects, you're doing great." Kevin said.

"What? I mean yes. Dating advice. He asked me out, and I don't know what to do to be prepared in case things get uh... spicy." You explained awkwardly, feeling your cheeks heat up with embarrassment. Kevin paused for a moment, a really awkward moment.

"You still have those condoms, right?" Kevin asked casually.

"Uhm, yes?" You replied warily.

"Bring those with you. That's a top priority, and it's the safest protection there is. Always wear those while doing the tango." Kevin continued, talking in a way that made you feel less nervous and awkward about this conversation. It felt normal.

"Gotcha. But uh, do you think they're big enough for him? Cause... he's pretty big..." You winced, letting out a small chuckle at Kevin's offended gasp.

"Whoa there, are you implying that I have a small dick??" Kevin gasped. You couldn't help but laugh for a moment.

"I mean, he's pretty big! I'd doubt you're as big as him, but I don't wanna find out." You giggled, kicking your feet as you tried to suppress your laughter. Kevin huffed in response.

"Well if they're too small, you can find some bigger condoms at a drug store near that old market." Kevin said with a salty tone, still fussing over your unintended insult.

"Ok. Good to know. What about normal dating? Like, what should I say, how should I act? I don't want to rush it, even though it feels like it is, so how can I slow the pace?" You asked, holding your phone between your cheek and shoulder so you could fidget with your hands.

"That's what she said." Kevin whispered.

"OOOOH GOT EM!" You yelled with a laugh.

"Heh, but yeah, what you can do is just be yourself. Pretend you're talking to someone you know, be casual. Compliment him, flirt with him. Hell, if you're feeling brave, tease him. But since he's a cannibalistic serial killer, try to handle him with safety gloves. All in all, good luck, Y/N." Kevin explained.

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