Chapter 1, Alejandra

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I have always lived the life I wanted. Always living in the moment. Living fast as if there's no tomorrow. Anything that can make my heart pump and my stomach turn. Whether it would be skydiving in Morocco, or swimming with Whale Sharks in Oslob, Cebu, I was never scared. Even standing by the edge of cliff at Preikestollen, Norway, I found the thrill in it. I was never scared of anything.
That was, until, I received a long message and a call from my mother, demanding - well in her case pleading - for me to come home immediately. I asked her why, but all she said was, "Ayaw gpangutana. Ma uli na ka. Gusto ka magkigkita sa imong lolo." Don't ask. Come home, your grandfather wants to see you.
I would normally just blew her off. But when it comes to my elders, especially my grandfather, I have to obey. Which is important in our culture.
So here am I, looking outside the cabin window as I watch the plane slowly descending. A constant reminder that I'm close, close to coming home.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We are slowly descending to Davao International airport. The weather is sunny..."
I block the last part of his speech, as my mind drifts off to what my grandfather might say. Have I done something? Is he angry? Does he know about my mild scandal at the Lau's wedding reception? I squirm at the thought of my memory. And besides, that was a year ago. A lot has changed. Especially me.
"Cabin Crew, please take your seats for landing." The captain announces. I twiddle my fingers and close my eyes. Praying that, it's not the end of the world when the plane lands.

My grandfather's home looked like something out of the cover of Architectural Digest. Half of the two story-house is covered in ceiling-to-floor windows, the koi pond at the backyard, even hard wood furniture, bought from the finest - and might I say expensive - architects in the country.  Dark, grey, cemented floor, mixed with the rock and wood walls. The house was always a mix of old, yet new. In other words, old money and new money. 
Memories flood as I walk to foyer. This was the house I grew up in.
I set my luggage down, just as I hear a familiar sound. Bali, our BullMastiff, runs down the staircase with our Basset Hound, Barbie. I kneel down as they approach me.
"Hi guys," I squeal. "Oh, I missed you both!" I scrub and pet both of them. Barbie barks, just as Bali licks my cheek.
"I hope they are not the only ones you miss," a voice startled me. As I look up, my blood runs cold. "You might hurt your brothers feelings. Especially, your parents." My mother says, grinning. I slowly stand up, as Adrianna Castillo walks down the grand staircase, and walks towards me. All regal, in her all white polo and trousers from Chanel, and south sea pearl jewelleries imported from Palawan.
People always said I looked like her. The same long, black hair, height and facial features. What we don't have in common is skin. As I fell more on the tan side, my mother had more of a pearlescent, glowy skin. Which matched her personality.
"It's good to have you back Alejandra," my mother examined me with a critical eye, "have you pierced your ears?"
"It's nice to see you too mother." I say, annoying. "And yes, I have. It's in style you know."
"Oh God, this generation. First the tattoos, now the piercings? What's next, a hair cut?" My mother asked.
I mischievously smile, "Now that's an idea."
I laugh lightly, but she doesn't take the joke. I quickly stop and straighten my posture, before she comments on that too.
My mother looks at me sternly, "Come. Your Lolo has been waiting for you. And, don't bother taking your luggage, the yaya's can take them to your room."
"Don't be ridiculous mom, I'm staying at my apartment." And, away from this place.
"Don't be ridiculous, Alejandra," my mother imitates me, "you are staying here, at the guest house. You've been gone for far too long. You need to be with your family, I promise you."
Before I can protest, she starts to walk towards my grandfather's office. I let out a sigh and roll my eyes, as I follow her.
"What is this about anyway, Mama?"
"If I have to be honest, I don't even know myself," my mother says, "Your grandfather has been very secretive lately, and all copped in office."
"Parang, that's normal for him." Especially, when your running a million dollar hotel business across the country. "Trust me, anak, this is not normal." She sighs. "Something seems off. He's been talking to someone over the phone these past few weeks. Setting up meetings with your father and your brothers-"
"Maybe he's closing a business deal." I suggest. She shakes her head. "It's more than that, I think."
We reach the outside of his office. She turns to me, takes my hand and squeezes it lightly. "Don't be nervous, it's  your grandfather," she comforts me, and kisses my cheek lightly. "I really am glad, that your home again. I've missed you. "
I give her a faint smile. Even if we have our ups and down, my mother always had me and my brothers back. She squeezes my hand lightly before she walks to the gardens.
I take a deep breath, tracing my hands down my ruffled clothes and fix my hair quickly, before I knock. A faint voice inside, tells me to come in.  Okay, show time.

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