Chapter 2, Alejandra

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My grandfather's office looked exactly the same as the day that I left.
His office resembled his lifestyle. His ceiling-to-floor windows, overlooking our koi garden. Mahogany furniture imported from Bali or Dubai, whiskey and wine bought from Spain and Italy. His books about world history, medicine, business and other first editions dated back to the 18'th century, shows the educated man that he is.
On top of that, the wall. The wall that shows pictures of generational wealth that has passed been passed down since the early sixties. From my great-Great grandmother Lucille, to the picture of me and my three brothers.
And in the middle of it all, is Constantino Fei. Smoking on his cigar while his head is buried in documentsc spread across his desk. What else is new.
Fit for his age, he doesn't look a day over seventy five. He took over Fei Industries when he was just twenty years old after his father died of cancer. Now, he expanded Fei industries that focuses on hotels, doing business oversees, while being the leader of the Philippine underground world. My family is wealthy, that I can say, but no wealthy family is clean. Especially, if your a Fei.

As I walked to the front of his desk, his eyes never lifted from the file he was reading. Even as I poured myself a glass of whiskey, sat at one of the chairs in front of his desk, he still didn't look. It just reminds me of when I was little, and how I almost begged for his attention, but it always went to my older brothers.
As I took a sip of my whiskey, I cleared my throat. His eyes finally lifted from the file, and a stare from him, was enough for me to shrink back against the chair. "Finally glad to have you back Alè," he said, taking off his glasses and laid it on the desk. His tone, the same as his stare, was bland, showing no emotion. "I trust you are wondering why you had to come home urgently."
I took another sip. "Is it because you missed my presence? Or me?" I said sweetly, but his gaze became more darker, forcing me to sit up straight. Okay, this is serious.
Without breaking his gaze, he tosses the file he held in front of me. I leaned forward to see the cover.

Adrian Lee Caruso

Confused, I look back up to my grandfather, leaning back at his dark brown, leather office chair, both of his arms resting at the sides.
"Do you know who this man is?" He asks.
"Only of what I've read at the papers." Truth to be told, no one exactly knew who Adrian Caruso was, other than the fact he built his own business empire at the age of twenty five. Despite being new money, he comes from a family of respected politicians in the country. But that's all the papers wrote about. There weren't even that much pictures of him online.
My grandfather took his cigar from the ashtray and inhaled it long. "I see your still not married." He said slowly, smoke coming out from his mouth. "It's been almost three years, since we all agreed as a family; that you could go and explore the world after you graduated university. As much as I hated it, I let you because I wanted you to be happy. But your time is almost up, Alejandra. No more screwing around. Your not getting any younger. It's time for you to settle down."

"I'm still young, Lolo. I'm in no rush." I was only twenty-three for heavens sake. But Constantino gave me a disapproving look.
"I will think about po." I reassure him. Thinking about different ways of not having a panic attack right in front of you is one. The truth is, I enjoyed my freedom. I enjoy travelling, exploring, experiencing different cultures, meeting different people. Above all, doing crazy adventures whether it was with others or just me. And I was not ready to give it up.
"I'm sure you will. But again, time is running out. You haven't had a single, serious boyfriend since your last... relationship. And as the doting grandfather that I am, me and your father took matters in our own hands."

The whiskey froze halfway across my lips. "What do you mean?" His eyes doted back down to the file. My heart stopped. My blood went cold. No, I can't be.
"It's been decided," he says in a matter of fact way. "You and Adrian Caruso are set to be married by the end of this year."

My body went numb. My glass splashed against the floor. How could he? The idea of marriage never scared me, but an arranged marriage? It feels like he sold me off like a cow. The fragments of his declaration made my heart beat faster than normal. A bitter cocktail of shock, betrayal and horror went down my throat. I shook my head, "You can't make me, Lolo. I will do anything for this family and you know that, but this -" I pointed back at the file. "This is the most, horrific plan you have ever done."
"Oh, don't be so dramatic Alejandra. Arranged marriages are common in our world of power and wealth."
"It is common between two families that know each other. Why the Caruso's anyway? Why not the De La Cruz's?" At least I knew who their son was. But that didn't justify the situation, and my grandfather knew it. "You've had your freedom. Now play a part in this family, and do your duty."

Duty. Honour your family. Never talk back to your elders, and above all, never show your true emotions. It was a staple saying in almost every Filipino household. And it was a holy saying in mine.
"This match will be enormously beneficial to our family And our business," he continued. "And I'm sure you'll agree, once you will meet him for dinner. Tonight."

My grandfather's words echo in my mind, as I lay down at my bed at my old room.
I took matters into my own hands. Meet him over dinner. Tonight. I don't even have the stomach to eat anything. All I wanted was Vodka, and lots of it.
How could my grandfather do This? How could my father agree to this? Arranged marriages were common in our world. It could strengthen the bond between two powerful families. The legacy could live on. But it was more than that. It was about a game of power and control. An alliance. And I was their pawn.

A soft knock drifted me off from my thoughts. I lifted my head. Standing by the door, leaning against the frame with both hands on his pocket, dressed in a Armani suit, was the oldest Fei brother. Killian Fei was a carbon copy of my father when he was young. Tall, tanned, all muscle and brawn, and a face that could make any man wet himself, and any woman swoon.
He gave me a weak smile, "Glad to see you back, Alè."
"Glad to see you too, Kuya." Even though I hadn't seen him for almost three years, showing respect to someone older by calling them Ate or Kuya, never left me. He hadn't changed a bit, other than the fact that his hair was longer.
He strutted and sat at the end of my bed, resting his elbow on his knees. "So you heard?"
I let my head fall back down to bed, and closed my eyes. "Yeah." I whispered. "Aren't you going to congratulate me?" I ask sarcastically. Even with my eyes closed, I can still feel his serious gaze at me.
"Did you know? Did you know that our grandfather, and even our own Papà planned this?"
He remained silent.
"I feel like, I'm a prized toy. A doll in this twisted game of theirs. A game, I don't even want to be a part of," I bit my bottom lip. "And out of all the options he could have chosen, he chose an arranged marriage?"
"He chose-"
"What if I don't even like him?" The thought scared me. It might be arranged, but I always thought that if I ever did marry, it would be to someone who loved me. And at least, someone I knew.
I hear Killian sigh, "Don't worry. Adrian might be a prick sometimes, and he's rather serious, especially his work, sometimes too serious for my taste. And, very private. But he's a nice guy."
"How would you know? Half of this country believe he might not even exist."
"Since we box every Tuesdays and Thursdays."
My eyes went open as I lifted my whole body to sit up. "So, your friends with him then? Adrian Caruso?"
He chuckled, "I wouldn't exactly say friends. More on, acquaintance."
I sigh.
He rested his hand over mine, and gently tugged it. "Everything will be fine Alè. If he ever hurts you, I promise I'll through in a few extra hard punches on him." He mischievous smile. I laughed, and hit him lightly at his arm.
"I missed you, Kuya."
"I missed you more, Moony." It's been a while since I heard my pet name. It felt nice. He stood up from my bed, and walked out of my room, leaving me alone with my thoughts once again. Right, now there's one more problem. What the fuck am I going to wear?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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