New friend

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Ella felt under her bare feet sparse gras. With her brown eyes searched she the tree and bushes with precious fruits, but she just found some non-toxic berries, finally it was almost autumn, that's why she wanted a big stock of food. Her collected berries she put in a geothermal cooling, then she searched exhausting further. The hope to find an out put of this atrocious jungle, she meantime quite lost. Again lap her quick the plane crash through her head, but she repressed this mind quickly. She anyway doesn't can have a normal life in the humansworld. She walked further, top thorns drilled her due to her feet, but the bad aches ignored she; what other she finally don't known. She pulled some boughs apart and remained how frozen stand. The first time since 3 years she saw... a tiger, a white tiger. Ella ran it freezing her back down. A tiger isn't all harmless, when he was hungry, muck he definitely a human. Slowly went Ella one step back, but this was a stupid mistake. A bough cracked under her body and the tiger twirled frightened around. He ducked and walked to her and stayed stand, with his colorful eyes he saw Ella. But this what happened, confused her. With an indescribable noise flattered he at Ella around, she stayed puzzled stand.
Soon resolve she herself and caressed the tiger gently. She sat herself on the ground, the tiger too with a dull ends crack. Ella cuddled him trusting, closed her a bit swollen eyes and enjoyed the evening sun, because she had sleepy the whole afternoon.

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