Chapter 7

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Jack's PoV

When I get back from taking Liv home I go straight to my bedroom and call Quinn because I need to tell someone about this and Luke is off doing homework or something. While the phone rings I sit down on my bed and lean back against the head board, hoping that he actually answers.

After what feels like an eternity, but in reality is only the phone ringing twice, Quinn answers. "Hey Jack, what's up?"

"Dude, I think Liv and I are finally friends again," I tell him excitedly.

"Wait, since when did you guys stop being friends?" He asks.

I roll my eyes, "are you for real right now?"

"Well, yeah," he pauses and then says, "you still talk about her all the time. I just figured she stopped coming around because she had other plans and stuff, but I always thought you two kept in touch."

"Oh my god, no. She like hates me," I say, sounding whinier than intend. "At least I thought she did, but she just called me and asked me to take her home. Then she told me some personal stuff, which totally caught me off guard. So maybe she doesn't hate me, what do you think?"

Quinn sighs and says, "you really want to know what I think?"


"You're ridiculous. Stop obsessing, if it's meant to work out it will." I sigh and roll my eyes, he's probably right, but that's not what I wanted to hear. The two of us talk and just catch up for a while before I go to bed.

Liv's PoV

Thursday comes and goes, the only notable thing being that Arie managed to talk me into going ice skating with everyone on Friday. I'm honestly a little stressed because I've never gone ice skating before so I'll probably be bad at it, and I don't like being bad at things. Not to mention the fact that I've barely spoken to Jack since Wednesday out of the embarrassment caused by calling him.

Friday morning, well technically afternoon since it's 12:30 when I get up, I see that I have a text from Luke asking if he can come along with us today. I tell him that I don't care, but that he'll have to ask Arie since she's the one driving.

After that I go shower and get ready since I'm being picked up around three. Once I'm dressed and have my hair done and everything I walk downstairs to get something to drink. I find my mom sitting and working on her laptop at the tiny island in our kitchen.

"Morning mom," I say, walking past her to get a bottle of water.

I open the water and take a sip as she says, "Morning, what are your plans for today?"

"Arie's picking me up at three, then we're going skating with Trevor, Jack, and probably Luke." I explain, walking over and sitting down on the other side of the island.

She looks up from her computer and smiles when she says, "it's so nice that you and Ellen's boys are reconnecting."

"I guess so," I agree, mainly because I don't know what else to say. I take another drink and my mom keeps talking.

"I'm being serious, it's good to see you getting out there and spending time with friends again. Especially with everything going on, it makes me feel good knowing you have that kind of support system."

The two of us talk for a while longer while she works and I end up going back to my room once I finish my water. I don't do much while I wait to be picked up, just scroll through Instagram and watch a couple videos on YouTube, responding to the occasional text or Snapchat.

Around 2:45 I get a notification saying that Arie has arrived at my house. I go downstairs and say goodbye to my mom before walking out to Arie's car. I'm the first person she's picked up, which means that I get the front seat for once.

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