Chapter 20

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December passes by quickly, and by the time Christmas break ends I still haven't told my parents that I'm dating Jack. I feel a little guilty because I want to be able to scream it at the top of my lungs, but I don't want things to change and I'm worried once they find out they'll make it weird. Somehow, Ellen hasn't said anything to my mom about us dating, but she did sit down with Jack and I to have a talk about me sleeping over.

The only notable thing about break was that I found out that I got into the University of Michigan. I called Jack as soon as I found out, and he promised that we'd celebrate once he got back from World Juniors.

The return to school in January is bittersweet, because it means that I'm officially in the last half of my senior year. The thought has me scared shitless because I don't feel ready for everything to come to an end. I know that in reality I have months left, so I should just enjoy it but I constantly worry and nothing I do eases the anxiety.

The first day back is slow, getting back into the routine of things has always been difficult for me, and the added anticipation of seeing Jack again has the day dragging by. He got home late last night, so he didn't pick me up this morning. I'm not sure if I should congratulate him on winning the silver medal or not, when we spoke after the game he was really torn up over the loss.

At lunch I didn't see Jack, so the first time I see him will be in Creative Writing. If I'm being honest I'm a little nervous, and as silly as it sounds I don't know what I'll say to him.

I get to class first, like usual, and a few seconds later Trevor walks in. As he sits down he says, "just a heads up, he's been pissy all day so don't take it personally if he acts like a dick."

"Noted. Thanks for the heads up," I say. Trevor nods and turns his attention to his phone, while I watch the door for Jack. He walks in after what feels like an eternity, and seconds later as he's sitting down the bell rings.

Mr Clark explains our assignment for the day, which is just taking notes and reading through an article about how to change a story's structure to make it more intriguing. Once we start working I see Jack turn towards me, so I look over at him.

"Can we hangout tonight?" He asks quietly.

"Of course, I missed you. I do have practice though, so it'll have to be after I'm done if that's alright."

He nods, and closes his eyes for a minute. When he opens them again he says, "I have practice too, so how about I just come to your place after I'm done."

"That's fine with me. My dad is probably going to be working late and who knows what my mom will be doing. I'm sure she'd like to see you though."

He nods and we both return to our work. After class Jack takes off before I'm even done packing my stuff up. Trevor sighs and shakes his head as the two of us walk out, following Jack.

He says, "I'm hanging out with Arie tonight, if he's still being weird like this let me know and we'll come help break the tension."

"Thanks, I know it was tough loss so I'm just hoping that's all this is, but if it's anything more I'll definitely keep you guys posted."

"Good, see you later Liv."

"See you! Have fun with Arie," I call out as I turn down the band hallway. I sigh, I have a feeling it'll be a long night. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I know that I'll probably have to step a bit out of my comfort zone with Jack.

Concert band is a breeze, the spring concert music gets handed out and it's hella easy. I'm honestly glad, I need to focus my energy on the district band folder.

We spend the period working on sight reading a piece for the spring, and once class ends I get my stuff packed away before heading to the bathroom and changing for dance team practice.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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