Part 2

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Taehyung opens his eyes slowly. It was hard breathing and he was sweating. What's that? He groans as he tries to sit but decides not to. He looks at the fireplace burning wood and his eyes catch something on the ground that made them go wider; Jungkook is lying on the carpet, a duvet covering him up, wide worried eyes staring at Taehyung's.

"Hey," he stands up seeing the blond trying to sit and helping him. "You okay?"

"I feel drowsy..." He places a hand on his forehead,

"I'm not sure if you were affected somehow internally." Jungkook stands up and grabs a bottle. "I made you some tea. It has garlic just in case you develop any flu symptoms."

Jungkook brings the bottle to the man's lips. They look so soft.

"Careful, it's hot."

The burning hot tea goes down and he frowns, "It tastes disgusting."

Jungkook chuckles, "Sorry, it might be the ginger. Are you allergic to something?" He shakes his head no. "So, you drink it. It'll help.

"Y-you d-don't need t-to look a-at me as if I'm - an alien?"

"An alien?" Jungkook chuckles, "not exactly what I thought of you. I'm just unbelievably shocked you actually didn't die on me."

"Oh .."

"How are you feeling?"


"Great, you can rest. I'll be right here when you wake up. Do you need anything? Are you feeling pain?"

Taehyung shakes his head from behind the covers. If Jungkook had to name it, he would say Taehyung seems like a baby bear behind the layers of leaves that hide and protect him. He believes though that in normal conditions, the blond would shred Jungkook apart, either with claws or his beauty like he already did. He feels like hugging the other but decides to sit back on the rug and stare between the stillness of the boy and the dance of the flames.

"oh, I found that." Jungkook shows the bottle of medicine up, "It's an antibiotic. Just in case the cold caused you any harm or if you have a cold. It may help you with coughing and like... pain."

Taehyung takes a look at it and damn, the guy even had a water bottle ready for him.

"Are you sure you're not a doctor?" His voice was so raspy. It must be hurting to talk.

Jungkook chuckled, "I am not. I tried a year of medicine to tell you the truth. Almost freaked out. It wasn't what I really wanted. I'm glad I took it, though"

"Me too," Taehyung chuckles, and misses the fondness in the other's eyes. Jungkook has never seen such an innocent smile. He completely melts.

They shared a deep stare for a few seconds, and Taehyung hid back under the covers, turning around to pretend he was going back to sleep.

They stayed in silence, noticing the windows shaking with the wind. Jungkook falls asleep on the rug on the ground, and Taehyung catches himself staring at the man. Why would a stranger take so good care of him? He feels his cheeks warming up. The 'stranger' is beautiful. His mouth was slightly open and Taehyung could hear his soft snores. Cute.

When he opens his eyes again he sees the man close to him, "Sorry, did I wake up you?"

He should feel scared for having the man so close, but this time he doesn't. Jungkook's deep worried eyes relax him. He shakes his head no and for some reason, he wishes he could just hug the other.

"You have a mild fever. Are you feeling anything?" He moans with the warmth in his body.

"I feel hot." He misses the red hue that grows on Jungkook's cheeks.

Snow Flower - A Taekook taleWhere stories live. Discover now