Part 2

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None of the them were talking, and fahamaan's were still following mine. I hold the eye contact for a brief five seconds before turn, grab Alice's hand, pulling her away, and let both of us disappear in the crowd.

And then don't look back, not until we're out of there and was positive that I couldn't be followed.

We get into the metro back to our hotel, and sit on the seats. Alice was still staring at me with star-struck eyes.

"What?" I ask her.

"What was that?" She was amused, hastily unlocking her phone and showed me a picture.

My eyes widened, "You took a picture of us kissing?"

"I could not not take one," she grinned, "That was one hot kiss. And you ended up kissing the hottest of the them."

I stare at the picture. I had been so determined to kiss Harsh, that I hadn't taken a moment to even look at fahamaan properly. He definitely was the hotter than him, taller than me by a good few inches despite thefact that I was wearing heels. He'd worn joggers and atee, along with a long over coat, and sneakers frombelow. He had hazel eyes, and a light stubble on his face. He was hot. Very hot. And he was definitely a very good kisser. The moment that thought settled, the kiss replayed in my imagination, and shrug it away almost instantly.

"He's a stranger," I look at my best friend pointedly, "Someone I'm probably never going to see again."

"But you'd like to?" She asked me hopefully.

"Maybe yes, maybe not," bite my lower lip to stop the smile.

"So you would like to see him again!" She grins.

"But you also said yes," she smiles.

"Does it matter?" I ask. She shrugs, and I look back at the picture of the two of us in her phone. He was devastatingly handsome.

The reason I had not chosen to kiss him in the first place was because I'd thought he was too good looking, atleast for someone so ordinary like me. I had settled on his friend, Harsh. He wasn't bad looking either, but couldn't compare to Fahmaan. He was suave, in a way I couldn't quite point. I didn't think stood a chance of kissing him. But true they say, the universe works in mysterious ways. If something is meant to be, it will be.













I stirred the red drink in front of me, looking at how the ice inside melt slowly, uninterested in the darkness surrounding me and the loud music blasting in my ears. Sleep lingered in my eyes but the regret of coming to a bar was even stronger. This was my last night in Paris, and Aliya had insisted it had to be spent partying away in a famous nightclub.

Although I wasn't heavy on dances or parties, I wasn't someone who hated clubs either. I'd just spent most of my life hiding behind text books, to a point that I had forgotten how to live it.

This trip had specifically been for me to enjoy myself, but now that I was so close to flying back home tomorrow, reality was catching up. And you couldn't really reconsider your life decisions in a place as exquisite as Paris' most famous bar, which was dark and loud, and the only thing it could do was probably give you a miserable headache.

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