Part 5

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Hi,.my lovely readers. 

First of all I want to sorry to all of u for not updating for soo all 

And secondly want thank you all for showing so much if love on story .

This is the last part of the story i kn u all didn't wanted me to end this story soo soon but i had already decided  story's end before i published it's first part so it was not possible fir me to think anything further that what i have i am sorry to disappoint u all .






It was around seven when he walked me back home. When we got down, he had held my hand, and he continued holding it on the walk back home. It was mostly silent.

My other hand encircled his arm that held my hand. We had exchanged numbers, and walked back in peace, until we were on the corner.

"What time's flight to you have?" He asked me.

"The flight is at 1:30. I have to reach the airport by 10 anyhow, which means I have to leave around 9," I tell him.

"Ah!" He clicks his tongue, his eyes falling to his watch. "So you do have an hour and a half."

"So, what are you gonna do until then?" He asks.

"I don't know," I shrug, "I'm all packed. All have to do is take a shower, and dump these clothes inside."

I didn't want him to go. I didn't want this to end. It was almost as if I was hanging on a thin string. I knew that was impractical.

But what I also knew was, I liked him.

I didn't know if it was quite possible to catch feelings so soon, but turns out, it is. Especially if the man you fall for is a devastatingly handsome stranger who you could easily compare to a Greek God.

"So...," he bites his lower lip, stopping mid way and turning to me, "I was wondering if you'd like to spend the next hour or so with me? Before you leave?

He looked nervous in asking that, as his hand left mind and he scratched the back of his head.

A smile spreads over my lips. "I'd quite His eyes twinkled as if he hadn't expected me to agree.

"My car is just around the corner, let's go somewhere then," he looks at me.

"Where?" my eyes widen.

"Still don't trust me, stranger?" He teased.

I chuckle. "Don't think I have much of an option, do 1?"

He makes a fake sympathetic expression, "You don't."

"But I still can't come this way," say, pointing at my clothes. We were still in the clothes from last night.

"Oh, yeah," He mutters under his breath, "Do you have a change with you?"

I roll my eyes. "At my hotel room."

"I have spare clothes at my nightclub. Meet you back in ten?" He asked.

took a deep breath. Every instinct in me told me to say no, but I nod. This is why I was here. To be able to live. To be able to make decisions that I might, or might never regret.

Ten minutes later, he was standing down my hotel building in his black jaguar. I had actually taken a very quick shower, and slipped into black leggings, and a pastel purple hoodie, the one that I was planning to wear in the flight today. He himself had changed into black joggers and a red hoodie.

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