Chapter 6

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Chapter Six.

Artemis had to admit she felt a lot better than she had in a while after a hot shower. She had managed to get sleep and food into her system. It felt so foreign to her body after being so long without it. She was in the hallway again, her wet hair tied up in a high tight bun. She didn't know if Regan had a hair dryer. She hadn't seen one in the bathroom or in the spare room. She didn't want to ask Regan. She felt like she was over staying her welcome already. She didn't want to seem ungrateful.

Artemis found herself walking back into the kitchen. She had called out Regan's name a couple of times since she had finished in the bathroom. She had so far gotten no response and had started to search for her. She had remembered that Regan had said something about the garden. She looked out the window into the garden.

Fields seemed to stretch out from behind the house until it reached the lining of trees. There was a fence that separated the forest from the garden. There was a patch of vegetation growing and a small shed. There was a lawn mower sitting beside the shed. Regan was half hidden in the patch of vegetation. Her backside up high in the air as she pulled at something from the ground.

Artemis opened the back door in the kitchen and closed it behind her as she walked out. The grass was still damp but the morning sun was shining down on them. Artemis hadn't been outside in 2 days and the clean country air filled her lungs. She walked towards Regan in the vegetable garden and further examined her surroundings. There didn't seem to be a house for miles and miles.

"Regan, do you need some help?" Artemis asked as she neared the girl in the dirt.

Regan looked up and gave Artemis a cheery smile.

"Nah yer grand" she said in her thick Irish accent. "Could do with a break, come on, we'll sit out front"

Regan picked herself up from the dirt and dusted herself off. Clay stuck to her faded jeans and hands. She had wiped some of it on her face, probably without even realising it. Artemis followed Regan to the front of the house. The front of the house looked the same as the back except that there were two windows looking out and a front door. There was the long gravel drive and the fencing. There was also a small porch swing set up at the front of the house. Artemis hadn't seen that when she first arrived at Regan's house.

She followed Regan to the porch swing and watched as Regan examined the swing. She wiped her dirty hand on the back of her jeans and then pressed her hand down.

"It's dry" She said as she clamped her hand shut and open a few times. "Sit down with me"

Artemis followed Regan's lead and sat next to her on the porch swing. The house had no porch. It seemed odd for Regan to have something that didn't go or belong to the house.

"When me and my friends where younger we stole this from the O'Donovan's" Regan said laughing to herself. "Around here there's not much to do except farm and run around in the fields, but that gets boring after a while. So one night we got bored and a little drunk and just went down to the O'Donovan's and just took it. Don't think they even noticed it was missin'"

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