Chapter One.

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Chapter One.

Looking around the half empty room Artemis sighed to herself as she tried to keep strong. She had finally gotten around to packing Wally's stuff in boxes. It had only been 6 months since his tragic heroic death. All she had left to clear was their closet, where she had spent most of her grieving process, clutching his clothes, remembering his scent and when he last wore them. After what seemed like years, Artemis had finally sorted through all Wally's clothes. Only a small pile remained at the back, messily tossed and crumpled on the floor, typical Wally West style. With tears in her eyes, she pulled the orange t-shirt off the top of the pile. After folding it she looked back to the pile to pull another shirt off before something black caught her eye. Something buried beneath all the clothing. Quickly, pulling off the rest of the clothes, she was suddenly staring at the black box with a silver lock, keeping it shut from the outside world. Pulling it out of the wardrobe Artemis couldn't understand what it was or why it was in the back of the wardrobe. Why was it hidden underneath his clothes? What was with the lock?

Artemis needed to know what was in the box. She had never known that Wally had anything locked away. Surely he would have told her. They never kept secrets from each other. Unless it was something dangerous. He wouldn't have kept it from her unless it endangered her in some shape or form. Typical Wally West, doing everything for the good.

Racing to the kitchen she searched the key drawer. She knew every key to the apartment. After pulling out the drawer and pouring out the whole lot of the keys onto the kitchen table she searched through the keys with shaking hands.

She named all the keys she came across.

Spare backdoor key... Spare front door key...Skeleton key... Spare bathroom door key...

Her shaking hands came across a small silver key that she had never seen before. She held it in the light of the kitchen. The key had three grips in it. It was perfect for the box.

Racing back to her bedroom she sat on her knees infront of the box. Taking hold of the lock she stopped herself for a moment. Did she really want to see what was in the box? It was locked for a reason surely.

Slipping the key into the lock she found that it was a perfect fit. Turning it to the right it wouldn't budge anymore and the lock wouldn't open. Turning it to the left the lock made a clicking noise before releasing itself. Opening it up slowly Artemis stared into the box with a raised eyebrow.

"What is this?" She asked herself out loud as she pulled out folders of address and numbers, people and images, personal details and fake IDs.

What was Wally up to? Artemis froze as she came to a startling thought. What if this was what Wally was up to while she was uncover as Tigress? He never said to Artemis what he was doing or where he was during her absence. He had only been concerned with being with her and making up for lost time. But strangely these folders had nothing to do with her, the light or even their country. Pulling all the folders out Artemis grabbed hold of a small black book with a hard leather cover. Opening it up in the middle of the book she recognised Wally's messy handwritting.

"Dear Artemis,

It's day 43 of training and boy am I beat. Regan had to slow down with me today when we went for the 30 mile jog. She's been a good friend since the start. I talk to her about you. She's lost someone to something like the Light too.

Were nearly ready to go fight the Alphas. They've taken four of our men down in two days which Regan says in new because they usually never do. They've gotten stronger.

Although nobody says it people are staring to get worried.

Me and Regan for detective duty tomorrow. Kinda reminds me of Dick ya know. I'll write more tomorrow, Regan's going to show me some magic. She's trying to get me to believe magic's real but around here I think I'm starting to believe.

Missing you always,

Love you

Wally xox"

Artemis couldn't believe what she was reading. From what she could understand it sounded like Wally had joined an army of some sort. So many questions filled Artemis's head as she stared at the page. She flipped through a lot of the diary. They where all addressed to her. All had this person called Regan in it. All had questions she couldn't answer. He had addressed this diary to her, he had probably planned to tell her about whatever it was he had been doing. But their short time together before his death had stopped any of that from happening.

Artemis closed the book and leaned against the bed. Did Wally have this secret life when she was gone? Flipping to the start of the book she read the first passage.

"Dear Artemis,

I feel cheesy writing this but for some reason it makes me feel closer to you and a lot better. I met a girl today. Her name's Regan. She's part of a special force. She's came for Dick today when he was visiting me. She asked him to help her with a mission. Apparently there is a group of people trying to threaten her kind. I don't know much about it but she seemed helpless and in need of help. Dick turned her down though, he wants to help but he has too much here. I told her I'd go instead of Dick. I told her I was Kid Flash and she looked relieved. She said she needed as many people as she could find that were willing to help.

She's coming over tomorrow to fully explain everything. Dick thinks its a great idea to keep me from staying inside all the time. To take my mind of things. Dick says I'll have to come back some times though. Incase they need help here.

I don't care what I do. As long as I can keep my mind off things then I'll do anything.

Missing you always,

Love you,

Wally xox"

Artemis closed the book. Dick knew. Maybe he knew who Regan was. Why didn't Dick tell her about this thing, whatever it was. Pulling out her phone from her pocket she dialled Dick's number. Since Wally's death he had become a recluse. He had quit the hero life, quit his job and studies. Nobody really knew where he was or what he was doing. He never really picked up the phone, unless you kept plaguing him.

After five rings he answered. His voice was raspy and groggy. Like he had just woken up from a long sleep after a hard night of drinking.

"Artemis what's wrong?"

"Who's Regan?" She blurted unsure of how she was going to ask Dick about any of this.

"Who?" He asked confused.

"She came for you but Wally took your place. What place? What happened when I wasnt here?"

"Oh.. Regan Thomason.. I don't really know what she and Wally did. She never told me because I didn't go. They left for Ireland soon after they talked. How'd you find out about that?"

"Wally wrote a diary about this. Did he tell you anything after he came back?"

"No. Nothing and I didn't ask. Artemis are you okay?"

"Yeah fine. Thanks Dick"

She hung up the phone and shoved it back into her pocket. She searched the diary for more information but she couldn't find any. The next page was of Wally's first day of training. Giving up with the diary Artemis looked through the folders hoping to find her name.

"Ah ha!" She exclaimed as she found her name.

Regan Thomason. Starbright Village. Westmeath. Ireland.

Artemis looked for more information but couldn't find any. Regan seemed to be Wally's friend. She seemed nice and close to him. Artemis wondered if Regan knew about Wally's death.

Staring at the address for a few moments she decided on her next move. Putting all the folders back into the box and putting it back into the wardrobe she grabbed a handful of her clothes and the suitcase under her bed.

She was going to find Regan and she was going to get Regan to tell her everything. She wanted to tell Regan personally about Wally and his sudden death.

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