Chapter One

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**Chapter One**

•Erin's POV•

Of course, I had to have school on my birthday... how lovely. However, upon my arrival it was to my surprise just how many people remembered and got me gifts and such, parading me with loving gestures and "Happy Birthday" wishes left and right. Today was going to be a good day! After all, Spring Break was starting in a few weeks and I couldn't help but be excited to be finding a new place to live. I had been saving up all my money for this very moment, and now it all seemed worth it.

"Erin, Happy Birthday! How about we go out for coffee after school?" Sara had questioned while running up for a hug.

"Sounds great! Let me tell my 'Master' first... you know she'll find some way to ruin today." I roll my eyes as we both laugh, knowing the truth behind my statement.

Truth be told, I knew my sister loved me. However, treating me like a 6 year old only pushed me away more. I wanted her to be my sister, not my mom.

"Just meet me by my car after 7th period and we'll go downtown, or maybe Starbucks, whatever you want!" Sara stated pleasantly.

Sara was always so chipper, she never seemed to have a care in the world and everyone adored that about her. She was also my best friend, and the only one that knew almost all of my secrets as well as my quirks. It's almost as if we could stare at each other and know exactly what the other was thinking or feeling.

As she walked away, I thought to myself, I'm going to miss her when we graduate. Hopefully we won't become too distant. Though, I knew it was bound to happen, that was what I least looked forward to. We wanted to go to two different colleges for two different majors; she wanted to major in Fashion Apparel and Business Management. Myself on the other hand? Veterinary Medicine and a minor in Zoology with Animal Biology, as well as night classes for a degree in Culinary Arts, which I had a full scholarship for. Other than music, animals and cooking were my only other passions in life, oddly enough.

Soon enough we would both be in two different worlds. Would we still be so close? Or would we drift apart like every other friendship?


We had met up by Sara's car as planned and headed off to Starbucks, however on the ride there I had gotten a call from a strange number. I ignored it, but they left a voicemail. Odd, perhaps I'll check it later.. I thought to myself. I generally don't answer the phone unless I know the number, to avoid awkward situations.

I just wanted to spend time with Sara, since we were graduating in 2 months and this would likely be the last time we hang out before we leave for college. She was going to a university in California, and I was going up to Northern Florida to go to the University of Florida; I had received my acceptance email a week ago.

Besides, she would likely be spending the rest of her time with her boyfriend of 2 years, James. He was a nice boy, very polite and romantic, but he was going to college in Michigan. They wanted to make a long distance relationship work, but I could tell she was doubtful. So she wanted to spend as much time with him as possible before she leaves for college.

I couldn't say the same considering I didn't have one, however I expected that. I wasn't the most beautiful girl, nor was I the smallest in size no matter how many people disagreed with me. I was just waiting for my Prince Charming to come sweep me off my feet and rescue me, whenever that may be.

"Hello there ladies, how can I help you?" Asked a friendly woman who was taking the requests.

"Two Venti Carmel Bruleé Frappacinos please!" Sara replied with a polite smile.

As soon as we got our drinks and sat at one of the small secluded tables in the back of the café, my phone rang again.

It was the same number from earlier.

"Are you going to answer it? It could be an emergency. Or maybe it's an old family member trying to contact you." Sara stated curiously. She was always very logical about her responses, so she was usually right.

I slid the 'Answer' tab on my phone and prepared for yet another birthday speech. However, I was shocked to find out that that wasn't the case.

"Hello?" I answered in a surprised tone.

"Hello is this a Miss Erin Lyon? Daughter of Louis Lyon?" An unfamiliar female voice asked.

"Um, yes ma'am... could I ask about the purpose of this call?" I was now quite nervous as to what she would reply. Someone was calling about MY father? Was he still alive? And if not, was I still of importance to him?

"My name is Deborah McBride and I am calling on behalf of the State of Washington to discuss with you the last Will and Testament of your father, Louis Anthony Lyon. You are now 18 today, correct?" She replied in a rather monotone voice.

"Y-yes ma'am, I am 18 today." I managed to croak out. Why did she need to discuss it with me? Why not my other half siblings? Had he actually left me something? So many thoughts were flooding throughout my mind, it was hard to take in her next statement.

"We have a lot to discuss then, Miss Lyon."


Hello again darlings! I know, short chapter... but things will start picking up soon! Trust me, this story is far from over, it has barely begun! If you like this story, be sure to vote so I know to keep updating!

(Also, being that I decided to come back to my older chapters and add promoted songs, here it is!)

The promoted song for this chapter is...

Heart Vacancy by The Wanted

I listen to too many types of music, so the songs will vary depending on my mood or what day it is. These songs likely won't correspond with the chapter but I figured I'd introduce you to what I consider good music to bond more with my fans! :)


Ela ♥

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