Chapter Nine

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**Chapter Nine**

•Niall's POV•

I knew it. I KNEW one of the boys would go after her, I just expected it to be Harry, not Liam.

There she was, standing in front of the stove making pancakes. Her hair was up in a messy bun, and her sweatpants hung off of her hips slightly. But she was still perfect. I couldn't help but to stare at her in awe of how beautiful she was.

Apparently I wasn't the only one. There sat Liam at the other side of the counter, staring at her with passion in his eyes. I tensed and Louis could tell as he looked at me with a calming expression. When it came down to it, I knew that if it was between me and Liam, Liam would win her heart instantly. In fact, it seemed like he already did... she smiled at him with such emotion in her eyes.

But I had to at least fight for her. I had to. And I had the perfect plan. But it would have to wait until after breakfast, because I'm starving.

•Erin's POV•

I set down the large plate stacked high with pancakes; probably around 40 of them. While they helped themselves, I made my breakfast tea and sat down with them. Man, these guys could eat! The stack of pancakes was almost gone by now, as well as everything else I had made for them. Just then, the dogs had walked into the kitchen, likely smelling the bacon I had made. I had two Siberian Huskies, Claus and Nana; both of which were almost full grown now. Immediately I realized that with the eventful morning I had, I forgot to go to the pool house and feed all of the animals!

Assuming the boys would like to meet Jojo, I waited for them to finish breakfast before mentioning it.

"Hey guys, want to walk out to the pool house with me? I have something to show you..." I stated as I smiled at them kindly. I reached down to pet Claus lovingly realizing that Nana was distracted by Liam, who was affectionately scratching behind her ear. At least I wasn't the only one that liked him...

After finishing the last of their breakfast, they all nodded and followed me out through the back patio and around the pool.

As we reached the pool house, I was feeling quite devilish. Since I knew what would happen, I had Harry open up the door rather than myself. As payback for his cheeky behavior, I laughed uncontrollably when he screamed and jumped back about 5 feet when a small creature "attacked" him. Jojo had jumped on his shoulder scaring the living daylights out of him; Harry's eyes almost the size of golf balls. The other boys laughed hysterically at the expression on Harry's face. Realizing that Harry wasn't me, Jojo instantly jumped off of Harry's shoulder, and jumped up onto mine.

"Boys, this is Jojo. He's a Cottontop Tamarin from South America. I adopted him. Don't worry Harry, he won't kill you..." I stated as I flashed Harry a cheeky wink. He glared at me, giving me a sarcastic laugh; he knew it was hilarious though. I went over to hug him so he wouldn't be mad anymore, and Jojo repeated my action. He crawled up to Harry's neck and hugged him, quickly crawling back down afterwards. After a series of aww's and 'How cute!'s from the boys, I fed Jojo and the dogs, leading them back through the pool house to the aviary. Along the way, Jojo had jumped off my shoulder and when I turned around, where had he gone? Right up to Liam's shoulder. Of course....

I went in to put more food in the aviary, bringing Alfred out so the boys could meet him; Zeus and Hera were too busy to fly down, but you could still see them from where we were. They all admired the exotic animals I had, never looking the least bit bored with them. I opened the aviary door and Alfred flew right back to the tall branches he rested on previously. When we walked back into the house, Jojo still with Liam, I decided to explain why I had all of these animals.

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