Chapter 3

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The next morning, I threw a bucket of slop, a mixture of Matilda's terrible meals, out for the pigs who laid like the dead in the summer heat. Food was becoming scarce for us and the pigs were an additional problem to feed. I couldn't get rid of em though because them pigs were my only source of money.

With too many mouths to feed, I decided to kill one of the three pigs and sell it to the butcher. Choosing which one was easy; I picked the worst of em. This pig was almost as bad as Matlida, running around throwing mud everywhere, eating far too much, and squealing at odd hours of the night. I went inside to return the slop bucket and get my gun.

I sensed Matilda at my back as I made my way back to the door.
"Stay inside," I commanded.

She didn't stay inside. She followed me out, hands on her hips with furrowed brows. That woman knew what I was doing and wanted it known she disagreed.

I told her to go back inside, aiming my gun at the sleeping pig but Matilda stayed on the porch with that stern look. So, I continued and fired at the pig; it's body never waking from slumber.
"Keep goin like this and you'll be next." I stomped past her into the house. "Them pigs mind better than you do anyhow."

This female was becoming defective. She didn't listen no more and did what she could to undermine me. She had it comin, and I warned her as much. I was a patient man, a man of God. I told her, "Matilda, the Lord don't want you acting so disrespectful." I warned her of punishments and curses God would bring on our land. I even threatened to take matters into my own hands. But through it all, the woman never straightened up. I dealt with her behavior for longer than I should've; I was a good husband. However, my final straw came some time later.

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