Chapter Six A Fake Christmas

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                                    Eira's POV
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It was officially our last day at my house and I'll say that everything went smoothly the few days

Our relationship wasn't questioned once and partly because half of the time I wasn't even pretending

With Grayson it's so natural almost as if we fit like a puzzle piece

"Milly wash your hands before touching the dough"

We were currently making cookies my favorite thing to bake and before my mom died it was tradition to make a batch before we celebrated Christmas dinner. 

"Yeah guys listen to Eira she's the boss" Grayson says rolling up his sleeves

"Ok gray gray"

"Can you believe it she listens to you and not me"

"I just am the best" he says cocky

"Oh shove it"

"Shove it?" Marcus says with confusion

"Oh sweet boy don't listen to the love birds" grandma says rubbing his head

"Whoops sorry little man" Grayson says sympathetic

"Just get the bloody cookies in the oven before you taint the poor kids"

"Yes grandma" we all say scared 



We all jump
"Grandpa you're screaming"

"AM I? "

Grandma smacks him to stop and sits him down quickly

"Where's your father?"
"dinner is ready"

"Probably in his study I'll go get him"

I knock a few times no answer

"Dad I know you're in there"
"Dinner is ready so come downstairs please" I say still no answer

My heart sinks a little
My dad and I never had a good relationship but he's never blatantly ignored me before

I go downstairs and take my seat next to Grayson

"You okay?" Grayson asks quietly


My dad makes his way downstairs and quietly takes a seat head table

We all eat in silence until my father speaks

"So Grayson what do you plan to do?"

"I got a scholarship to our University under the athletic department for hockey sir"

"So you plan on being a hockey player?"

"Yeah and if that doesn't work out I'm Majoring in architecture just in case but for right now my soul focus is hockey."

"Have you been scouted?"

"Yes actually"

My dad grunted in response

"Hockey is a fever dream your chances of making it are slim to none"

"You won't be able to provide for a family or do anything useful if your soul focus is hockey"

"Dad!" I yell
"Don't be rude"

"Don't tell me how to act in my own house" he says pointedly

"What Makes you think you're good enough for my daughter?"  he says turning to Grayson

Grayson looked stunned and a little uncomfortable

"Grayson don't answer that and dad why are you acting like this?" 

"Like what?"

"A jerk"

"Don't talk to me like that Eira"

"You haven't spoken to me the entire time I've been home and that's what you're gonna say"

I'm standing up now pissed

"Why should I talk to you?"
"if I don't want to talk to you I won't"

"Because I'm your daughter!" I yell

"And that's a reason?"

"Fine you can have your reasons to being a jerk with me"
"but you will not be a jerk to my boyfriend because he doesn't deserve that kind of treatment from you"

"He's a stranger prancing around my home"

"But he's a person too so that means you treat him with respect"

"Respect is a two way street and right now you're not giving it to me"

"Why should I when you're disrespecting my boyfriend?"

"Baby sit down it's fine really no hard feelings Mr. Jameson"

I shoot an angry glare at my father before sitting down

"Well that was eventful" my grandma says eating potatoes

"Grayson why are dating my daughter hm to get into her heart then break it?"

Grayson chokes on his potatoes

"No sir I'm with her because I love her"
"Her heart is the most precious thing I own why would I break it?"

My dad looked disgusted and like he didn't believe him

It's an all act but sometimes it doesn't feel like one

"Stop it dad"
"stop questioning him"

"I'll question him If I want to this is my house"

"Fine" I say through gritted teeth

"Then we're leaving"

I stand up again abruptly
"Come on Grayson it's time to go"

"Well hold on a minute dear" grandma tries

"You're just like your mother so bloody dramatic" my father yells across the room

"How dare you speak of mom that way put some respect to her name"

"You know dad every single day I wish it was you who died instead of her!"

It was like a smacked him in the face

The moment the words left my lips I regretted them my siblings were crying and begging for me not to go

"Sissy you can't go yet"
"I'm sorry Milly I really am but we have to start packing and going to Graysons house"

"Why are you so upset with daddy?"
I didn't answer and instead I just hugged both Marcus and Milly

"I'll see you guys soon ok?"

"Okay sissy"

I looked to Grayson who looked at me with a concerned expression and I wondered when things had changed for him too or maybe it was still all an illusion
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Thanks for reading

Woah intense chapter

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