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"We've been trying for almost two years; how are they not defeated yet!" 

Ruy backed away from Lady Gisela, knowing her rages were nothing to be messed with. 

"To be fair, they've never really taken us down either," he said. 

"That's not the point; you think the moonlark would've given up by now!" Gisela retorted. 

"Maybe we just need to find another angle," Fintan suggested, eyes gleaming. It could only mean one thing. 

"Destroying humans wouldn't solve the problem," Gisela rolled her eyes. 

"No, Alvar came up with the idea to use humans," Fintan said as Alvar popped into existence. 

"Why would we ever use humans?" Gisela asked. 

"Because I've recently heard of two humans who have powers," Alvar pointed out. 

Gisela froze in her tracks. 

"Humans with powers? That's impossible," she tucked a strand of hair that had fallen out of her bun. 

"Not for these two," Alvar said, holding up a memory log. "Gethen went with me and recorded these two in action."

He presented a series of projected memories. A girl in a red suit with black polka dots. A boy covered in black, cat ears on his messy blond hair (in a style that vaguely reminded Gisela of her son). The girl seemed to have the ability to create anything she wished with her strange circular contraption. The boy wielded a silver staff and appeared to destroy with his touch. 

"This is... this is what humans have been up to?" Gisela nearly lost the words in her throat as she stared at the two humans, noticing how they were both wearing masks in the same designs as their suits. 

"We were thinking," Fintan said. "Since the Black Swan created this all-powerful elf that we can't defeat, why don't we do the same thing? So that we can take down Sophie?"

Gisela could feel the gears in the Pyrokinetic's head turning. 

"That's... not a terrible idea," she said, a grin forming on her face. "We'll just have to find a way to get them here to extract their DNA. Then we can create identical copies, only they'll follow our will."

"We've already completed part of the first step for you."

Gisela turned to see a man in a purple tuxedo, silver covering everything but his eyes and mouth, hands gripping a dark purple cane. Gethen and Umber flanked his sides, holding two burlap sacks. 

"The name's Hawkmoth, Ladybug and Cat Noir's nemesis," the man introduced. "These two offered an alliance with this group named the Neverseen."

"That would be us," Gisela confirmed. "What's in the sacks?"

"We came up with a plan to capture them," Gethen grinned, exposing his teeth. "Nothing a little sedative couldn't complete."

Gisela couldn't help but smile herself. 

"I only ask that I can help you with these creations," Hawkmoth said. "I know how these heroes act so I can provide more information about Ladybug and Cat Noir."

Gisela had to agree; it was a great help if someone who knew these two were willing to provide info. 

And with that, Lady Gisela Sencen and Hawkmoth shook hands, closing the deal. 

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