Eternalia was a glittering city made of crystal. Some were made of a single jewel, but many were constructed from bits of crystals put together.

Ladybug tripped on her heels yet again. "I knew I should've picked different shoes."

"Relax, you're doing amazing," Keefe said, but he still grabbed her arm to keep her steady.

She shook her head to get the butterflies out of her stomach. "When will we know when this Council shows up?"

"Oh, you'll know," Sophie said. "They'll show up in their regal finery."

Ladybug busied herself by twisting a lock of red hair around her finger when she noticed something. A white ashy substance. "What's this?"

Sophie's eyes welled up. "There was a statue to honor a Councillor. Kenric Fathdon."

"The Neverseen had Fintan light a fire then he died in it," Keefe muttered. "And then your counterparts destroyed the statue the gnomes and dwarves made."

Ladybug and Cat Noir shared a terrified look. 

"Guys, they're here," Biana told the group, and the teens all turned their heads to see twelve older elves glitter out of nowhere, with a dozen grey creatures that looked like Sandor surrounding them. 

"That's your Council?" Cat Noir held back a snort. "What's with the jewels?"

"It's a way they try to establish authority," Tam shrugged. "Especially now that your evil pair is running around the place."

"They can't be all that bad," Linh protested. "I'm sure deep down they know this is just them being the Neverseen's pawns."

Ladybug stared at her hands. 

Unfortunately for the group, it was the one thing she was banking on; a secret she wasn't willing to tell anyone, not even Cat Noir.

One of the Councillors, with shoulder-length hair and glowing dark skin stepped forward. "As you know, I've invited those here today for answers about the new threat running around the Lost Cities. We're here to clear up any rumors you might have."

"Is it true that the Neverseen have new members?" an elf shouted.

"Are they really based from humans?" another asked. 

The Councillor held out his hands and the crowd silenced. "Yes, those rumors are true. The Neverseen have somehow created two people with one order: to destroy anything and everything the Neverseen force them to. And yes, we have speculation that they used two ordinary humans for their new members."

"She is not ordinary," Cat Noir hissed under his breath. "Ladybug is the greatest girl I've ever met."

For some reason it made Ladybug's cheeks redden a little, but she needed to focus.

"We've sent out our best goblins to hunt them down," the Councillor continued. "But now we feel it will be best for you to know their names, should you ever encounter them. Antibug and Cat Blanc."

Whispers flew around at the mention of the names. 

"I wouldn't give in to fear just yet."

Everyone turned to see Mr. Forkle stare at the Councillors.

"Councillor Emery, I'm afraid you don't realize the Collective are one step ahead," he continued. "We know there's only two people for the job. And we're in the process of collecting them."

"But he already—" Ladybug began when Tam covered her mouth. 

"They're just trying to reassure the Council before they realize we didn't clue them in on this," he whispered. "I kinda wish you two weren't in disguises—would've loved to see them flip out over the fact that you two are here."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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