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-when ever the main four play together(like a video game) Gold is always forced into it and Kyran only plays because he gets to spend time with gold

-Funneh is always the best player due to her spend hours in her room playing it instead of being productive like a normal human being

-It took prince 3 damn years to come out of the closet(Mostly because he didn't want to admit it due to his rep)

-Alec, Felicia, Prince, and Kyran all have mommy/daddy issues, fight me.

-Kyran's gay awakening was Karma Akabane

-Evan had a vine account before it shut down

-Gold LOVES ross, she love it so much to the point that she once spent 500 dollars in about 40 minutes

-Brittney always quotes mean girls even when it has nothing to do with the situation, she could literally be at a funeral and she'd quote something or make a reference to the movie

-Gold dated Kyran for 3 seconds because he was annoying her

-Evan started getting into music when someone he liked said that they loved musicians, yet he still got rejected(lol rip)

-Kyran's first anime was Pokémon

-Funneh has a meme account on twitter and half of them are her just throwing shame on Felicia 

-Evan wrote a song very densely professing his love for Alec but he hadn't realized that it was April fools that day

-Alec has long hair, fight me(2x)

-Valerie was def pan

-Kyran is half Korean half American, fight me(3x)

-Kyran and Prince started dating as a joke but it became serious after 3 months

-Prince is a hardcore Brittney X Felicia stan

-Evan and Celeste both love glass animals(ehehehe so do I)

-Gold, Felicia, Prince, Kyran, and Evan are all theater kids

-Gold was the first person Prince came out to(Mostly because he didn't wanna continue the relationship if he hadn't felt the same way)

-Gold was also pretty chill when Prince and Kyran started dating, though she could be jealous at times.

-Funneh hates fish with all her life, she even threated that if Alec EVER made fish for her she would break up with him with no hesitation(And she wasn't kidding)

-Kyran and Alec are exe's, fight me (4x)

-Prince and Felicia both go shopping together, even if he somewhat has a burning hatred for her.

-Evan calls Prince Daddy/Sugar daddy/papi to annoy him

-Evelyn doesn't most tea, which surprises people because she's British.

-Elijah has no use, he's kind of just there to be comic relief

-Elijah liked Alec for a while but he was just to much of a pussy to tell him(Damn Alec be getting more bitches than me, even though he looks like every gay middle schooler)

-Yumi probably reads senpai x y/n stories on wattpad


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