My thoughts on yhs characters...

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Warning for this crazy thing called an opinion(omg ik crazy i had no idea that exists wow)


Loved her, though her pranks always went a little far... the prank of Felicia wasn't that bad but when she died gold's hair green i was s h o o k, me being me i would drop the friendship in an instant, but overall i find her a good main character even though she felt a 'little' stereotypical. 7.5/10


Again i really liked her! Even if her and funneh and some petty 'arguments' they would always stick together. Though i didn't like how she believed every single rumor she heard. again over she was another pleasant main character. 7/10


Now this mf... he was SO STEROTYPICAL I CAN'T EXPLAIN IT IN WORDS, from the 3d 'girlfriends' to his crush on gold and even him having body pillows on anime girls all annoyed the shit out of me, he wasn't really well written, tbh i found him much better in season 1 than in season 2, while in season one he felt like he had more character, more charm, etc. but he changed in season two and kinda just became annoying. though because i liked his design i'll give him a 6/10(if your being generous)


I hate him, he just popped out of no where just to become Funneh's love interest. He always felt so petty to the point where it got really annoying. though i will say that he is quite well written and i found his backstory sort of interesting. Even if he is just a place holder for info-chan i guess he's okay. 5.5/10


He exits for no reason. He's just there, though i doubt Funneh would just create him for no reason and if the map didn't crash he would had a more important role in the show mostly because he showed up more often than characters such as Elijah and Prince. I do admit that i got a little chuckle out of some of his jokes. 8/10


I HATE HER SO MUCH BRO. SHE IS SO ANNOYING, she literally kills ppl bc 1. its fun lols 2. senpai 3. i couldn't think of a third reason but yk yk. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT SHE SAW IN SENPAI HE IS BLANDEST BITCH IVE EVER SEEN(stay on topic...) overall she's a bitch. 1/10(again im being VERY generous)


Again i hate him. he is so bland idk what Valerie, Yandere, and all the other women saw in him, if i had to date him for 3 minutes i'd rather shoot myself.-1/10


She gave MAJOR lesbain vibes(not as much as celeste though) she was a great detective but i hate how she dragged funneh and gold into her case's. this was very short but thats all i can think of. 8/10


Again another character that has no damn reason for existing, but he was kind of smexy so i'll give him a pass. sadly i can't say much about him due to the lack of screen time. but he seemed like a nice guy! Also gold seemed really happy with him, idk who started the whole 'cheater' prince thing. keep in mind it is VERY possible that he doesn't like Felicia because of him being seen pushing Felicia off of him while she was kissing him for the play. but i really like him i don't think he deserves all the hate he gets. 7.5/10


OML I LOVE HERRR, she could be a bitch at times but i need a friendship like hers and Brittney's AAAA. ALSO SHE DEF SHIPPED FALEC<33. she needed more screen time bro, also her Funneh would be amazing friends if they didn't have beef with each other. 9/10


I loved the fact that she was more a tom-boy(?) than most of the popular kids at YHS she gave me Karen smith vibes tbh. her and Felicia were def girlfriends there's no telling me other wise. Again her and Funneh could possibly get along if Funneh hadn't made them out to be worse than they actually are. 8.5/10


Im saying this for the 1 millionth time. SHE EXISTED FOR NO REASON!!! the only time she was on screen was when she was with her goofy ass brother. and she added nothing to the story, she had nothing to do with the plot(if there was one other than falec at that point), any of the murder case's, etc. but i though she was adorable and i still love her soo yeah-- 7/10


no comment really, but he seemed fun lols def better than his discord moderator looking brother. 710


Mommy. 10/10


Daddy, even he literally did nothing in the group. he's hot though so yeah. 10/10



random yhs shit.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora