Ambush X Eyes (SMUT)

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Eyes lay on his bed, bored. He started at the roof blankly, zoned out before he heard knocking, Annoyed, He got up and opened the door expecting Screech to complain about a sore throat or Seek with a complaint about the humans. Eyes were no therapist but here he was, Handling everyone's problems.

He opened the door, frustrated.

—his mood lightened when he saw Ambush. Eyes always had a crush on Ambush but were too shy to confess to Ambush. Screech had been playing Wingman for them. "Eyyyyeeeeesssss" Ambush whined, "what happened Ambush?" asked Eyes, Observing the man who looked drunk. "My head hurtssssssss," Said Ambush, who proceeded to rest his head on Eyes's shoulder, hiccuping a lot. "Why do you look and sound so drunk?" Eyes questioned, "I had a drink or twooo" The other man responded, He hiccuped again, Grabbing onto Eyes's jacket.

Eyes sighted, of course, Ambush was drunk. "Go to bed, Ambush." He said, almost as if he were scolding him. "But I don't wannnaaaaa" Ambush responded. Eyes sighed again, "You need to go to bed, Ambush, You're drunk." "Nooooo, I wanna stay with you Eyesssss" Ambush said, pleading Eyes to let him stay. Eyes got flustered, Ambush wanted to stay with him..? Did he feel the same for him? No, It couldn't be. Eyes dismissed his thoughts and kept telling Ambush to go to bed, Of course, He got no as an answer every time. Ambush was hiccuping a lot, suggesting that Ambush had more than one or two drinks. After a while, Ambush finally convinced Eyes to let him stay. Eyes tilted their head back a little in defeat, He picked up Ambush which flustered the drunk man.

He rested Ambush on the bed and tucked him in as if he were a small child. Ambush grabbed Eyes's purple hand, "Where are you goingggg?" Ambush quizzed Eyes, Eyes looked down at the man who held his hand firmly, "Going to see Halt" he responded. "Stayyyy," Ambush whined. Eyes looked at the door flustered. He wanted to stay, Yes he did, but Ambush was drunk, He was doing it for Ambush's own good. "You need to sleep, Ambush." Eyes replied in a blunt tone. "Pleeeeasssssseee" Ambush pouted.

'Danmit! Why does he have to be so cute.' Eyes thought to himself. He glanced at Ambush then the door. He looked at Ambush and sat down next to him, "Fine." Eyes said. Ambush hiccuped again, He seemed irritated by his own hiccups. Ambush pulled Eyes into bed with him, Eyes got extremely flustered at the act. "At least let me take my shoes off", He said, Ambush Let go of him and Eyes started to take his shoes off. After he was done Ambush pulled Eyes back in bed With him. He pulled Eyes close to his chest, Eyes were red as a tomato. Ambush started to move around as if he were getting comfortable. After he was done, Ambush grabbed Eyes's thigh and pulled him closer. "Ambush..Do you realize where you're grabbing?" Eyes said, confused if Ambush didn't realize or was doing it on purpose. "Oh, I clearly know what I'm doing~" Ambush replied followed by a hiccup. "Ambush you're drunk-". Before Eyes could finish his sentence, He got cut off by Ambush kissing him. Ambush placed his hand on Eyes's waist, pulling him closer. Eyes gave in to the kiss. Ambush takes off Eyes's jacket and shirt. He breaks the kiss for some air, Eyes were panting his poor lungs out, Ambush bit Eyes's neck gently, making Eyes wince a little, He started sucking on the spot he bit making Eyes moan, Ambush started taking off Eyes's belt painfully slowly, making a 'Click' sound. Eyes realized it was their belt, their face grew redder than it was. Ambush had a smug smile on his face "Ambush, what are you?-" Eyes got cut off by Ambush placing a finger on his lips, "Shh~, we don't want them hearing us do we?~" "" Eyes replied, "Good~" Ambush took off Eyes's pants and boxers, Grabbing Eyes's thighs tightly, He started sucking his dick, Eyes let out a solid moan, He desperately tried to quieten himself but failed. If Eyes were to be honest, They were quite enjoying it. "A-Ambush!- I'm close!~" Eyes said between moans, Ambush stopped and lifted his head, Without saying a word he pulled Eyes closer and cuddled him.




"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE DOESN'T LIKE YOU AND WAS JUST DRUNK???" Screech asked Eyes who was lying on the couch as if it were some sort of mini therapy session, "I DON'T KNOW, IT COULD MEAN LITERALLY ANYTHING!" Eyes said, Screech Facepalmed, "Eyes, this is the time to just fucking confess to him." Just then, knocking was heard on screech's door, "Who is it?" Screech asked. "It's me, Ambush! Can I talk to Eyes privately?" "Uhm sure!-" this time, eyes responded instead of Screech. Eyes got up and went to the door nervously, He twisted the brass doorknob open, and There stood no other than Ambush himself, He smiled gently at Eyes, Who smiled back. "Erm-..Sorry about last night." Ambush said, 'OH SHIT HE REMEMBERS' Eyes thought to himself, "oh-..erm..It's fine-..You were drunk-" Eyes replied, stumbling on his words. "Ambush-.." "Yea?" "I-I LOVE YOU!" Eyes yelled, "Wait, really??" Ambush asked, "Y-yea, It's fine if-" Eyes got cut off by Ambush suddenly kissing him, "I love you too!" Ambush said excitedly, "Really?" "Really!" "Get a room lovebirds." Screech mocked. "Oh shut up." Ambush frowned, Eyes couldn't help but laugh. Screech just laughed along.

922 words

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