Chapter One

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The doors to Seja's quarters slide open with a hiss allowing her to step out with CeeTee, her deep red cloak swishing along behind her. She doesn't dress like a traditional Jedi. She knows that. But she spent much of her life being raised by the Nightsisters of Dathomir so her robes reflect that. She wanted to honour where she came from whilst holding onto the Jedi practicality. Something that is so distinctively her. There is literally no one else in the Order who wears robes like she does. She did have a hard time in the beginning with some of the council members regarding her clothing choice, that because they weren't traditional robes she wasn't to wear them. But for the most part, it is allowed. She is to cover them with a hood and cloak when she is standing before the council, but she has free reign the rest of the time. Her lightsaber on her hip tends to give her away so it's not like the Jedi-specific robes are really all that necessary to identify her. 

The doors to the quarters across from her own open allowing her entrance, passing straight by the two guards standing watch without so much as a glance in their direction. Sat in the centre of the room is Amidala. Current Queen of Naboo. She is being painted up and dressed for the day. Her handmaidens working on her image. She is fourteen and has already been elected as queen of an entire country. Seja takes a seat on the couch across from the young, very young, queen who smiles brightly seeing Seja. In the months since she arrived in Naboo, Seja has fallen into her place with the queen and her entourage. She knows that there were many reasons for her being sent here and her age is definitely one of them. 

One, she asked to be taught more about politics and diplomacy and Naboo was the planet that had the closest elections. Two, Amidala is fourteen years old and needs someone trustworthy and capable to protect her. And three, Seja is eighteen, she is not that much older, she blends right in with the other handmaidens and she is young enough that she isn't going to isolate the queen from her. Seja's eyes shift across the handmaidens as they work on Amidala. Padme, Eirtae, Yane, Rabe, and Sache. She's gotten to know them all over her time here. She has to get to know the people around the queen if she wants to protect her effectively. Plus she would be rather lonely here if she didn't reach out to those around her. She and Padme are pretty close. For many reasons.

"You look tired" Padme comments as she sits next to Seja, holding out a tray of fruit towards her. Seja takes a jogan fruit from it.

"Charming" Seja counters, turning a look on her friend. Padme's eyes soften.

"Did you not sleep very well?" She asks, Seja rolls her eyes and shakes her head. She is not about to talk to the young girl about her weird Force dreams. Especially that one she had. She can't talk to anyone about that. Not even Windu. That would be a terrible conversation to have. Embarrassing too.

"It's nothing you need to worry about" Seja assures her softly. As far as she knows that Force dream was incredibly personal and it shouldn't be of anyone else's concern. And it is not for Padme, for any of the girls here to worry about Seja. It's her job to worry about them and their safety. That is literally her job whilst she is here. She learns from Amidala and her staff, expanding her political and diplomatic skills and in return, she keeps them all safe. It's a rather easy position so far, but she has only been here a few months. She knows not to get complacent. It might not always be this quiet and she has to be ready for anything. Padme looks at CeeTee when the canine droid trots across the room, beeping to itself. She chuckles a little and points at it.

"What is it saying?" She asks Seja.

"Bark" Seja answers and gives the young handmaiden an amused look.

"It's barking?" Padme counters, Seja laughs and shakes her head.

"No, it's saying the word bark over and over....." Seja shrugs and glances at the droid. "There is no specific barking noise in binary so it only has the word to use" Padme nods and then chuckles to herself. They've all grown rather fond of the droid. It's such an unusual thing, an unusual form. The droids that they have seen have either been humanoid in appearance or rotund. Though CeeTee has two forms, none of them has seen its other side, mostly because there has been no need for it.

"Is everything in place?" Amidala asks, Seja hums and nods.

"The throne room has been cleared" Seja assures her as she picks at the jogan fruit in her hand. "The governing council are gathered in the viewing area and will join us upon our arrival" Amidala nods as she stands from the chair. "And communication channels are being opened as we speak" Seja spent much of the morning after her meditation arranging for Amidala to communicate with the Federation ship that is currently blocking trade routes to Naboo. Food isn't getting through and whilst the planet can make do for a few days, a week max, they need to get things moving again or the people of Naboo are going to suffer. Something needs to be done and Amidala is already putting in measures to end it. The Senate has sent ambassadors to the Federation in the hopes that they can get the blockade moved.

"Good" Amidala states as she moves to the window. Seja turns a look at Padme who nods back at her. "I am ready" Amidala adds when she turns back to the room, her hands resting on her stomach, holding herself up taller and straighter. Portraying Queen Amidala.

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