Chapter Seven

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In the engine room of the spacecraft that has landed at the spaceport on Tatooine, Obi-Wan is looking over the hyperdrive that was damaged during their escape from Naboo. He turns and looks at the door as it opens and closes. Expecting to see Qui-Gon, he is surprised to find Seja instead. Her appearance causes him to pause. She's changed her outfit. Now wearing a red and black off-the-shoulder number with black trousers and black knee-high boots. It's not too different from her Jedi robes, but enough that it makes him pause. It's the fact that she's changed at all that's caught him out. Jedi aren't exactly known for their wardrobe changes. They tend to have their robes and one other outfit to be worn whilst their robes are being cleaned. Neither of her outfits fit the standard Jedi appearance and maybe she did have a point about them all dressing in brown and beige. She leans over slightly and tilts her head.

"Do you want some help?" She asks, but he can hear the teasing edge to the question. He huffs and looks away, turning back to the hyperdrive.

"No" He answers and goes back to trying to get the hyperdrive out of the hole in the floor. But it's a heavy engine part. He huffs and closes his eyes knowing he has to accept her help here. She smirks, seeing it coming a mile away. "Yes," He caves and she unfolds her arms and steps closer. She holds up her hand and then one by one, curls her fingers into her palm. The drive is wrapped in a red mist before she lifts her hand and the drive is lifted out of its place. Obi-Wan steps back to watch as it floats up out of the space on the floor and lands next to him.

"You are a Jedi, you couldn't do that?" She asks him.

"I didn't want to damage it" He defends and she chuckles softly.

"It needs to be replaced, you couldn't have hurt it anymore" He gives her a look but she's just smiling away. He lets out a breath and turns to fully face her.

"You and Qui-Gon seem close" Obi-Wan points out, probing her for information about her relationship with his master, but he's still reading into it wrong. She hums and nods. She hopes so considering their relation to one another. But she knows he is not aware just how close they are. She's not ready to tell him, mostly because she likes the slight jealousy she can feel from him. Someone else is close to his master, a relationship he had no idea about.

"He brought me into the Order" She admits with a shrug. "I owe him everything"

"Then why isn't he your master?" He asks.

"He already had a padawan" She reminds him, giving him a look. Because it should be obvious. He is the padawan that Qui-Gon has when she was brought into the Order, but she also assumes that they would not have allowed Qui-Gon to be her master because they are related. It might end up becoming a conflict of interest. And the Order is all about preventing them. "And Windu is a good master" She counters. "Perhaps the one I needed" She then turns a little stern. "Don't tell him I said that" She orders him and Obi-Wan smiles a little. She knows Windu would never let her forget that she had admitted that. She also has a reputation for being difficult for him, so strong-willed. She can't have him thinking that she appreciates him and his teachings, he'd change the way he teaches her for that. And the way he teaches her right now is working. She would hate for him to go soft on her. The gungan that is travelling with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan enters the engine room, rushing towards Obi-Wan, and falling to his knees.

"Obi-Wan, sire, pleeese, no mesa go!"

"Sorry, Qui-Gon's right. You'll make things less obvious" Obi-Wan argues. Seja raises an eyebrow at the gungan when he looks at her.

"Ah...Jar Jar" He introduces himself, Seja tilts her head, a smile appearing on her lips.

"Seja-Zaix" She offers back. Jar Jar nods a little, staring at her before he then turns and leaves the room, leaving Obi-Wan and Seja alone again.

"Wow," She whispers. "A gungan out of Otoh Gunga" Obi-Wan nods in agreement, glancing at Seja's face as she thinks about Jar Jar being with them. It takes a lot for them to leave their city, he must have really trusted Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon, or they must have given him one really good speech. Though she is not sure what they need a gungan for.

"Have you met one before?" Obi-Wan asks her. "A gungan?"

"I went to Otoh Gunga for the queen" She answers turning to face him. "She thought an intermediary would be effective, someone not specifically linked to either side to negotiate a couple of trade deals...."

"Are the gungan open to trade deals with the queen?" He asks, she turns a look at him.

"I take it you've met Rugor Nass?" She counters, and he hums and nods. "So you know how well those trade deals went" He laughs a little and glances at her. The two of them share a look, something passing between them. The Force pulsing against them, reacting to them. R2D2 waits in the doorway with Qui-Gon who is watching Obi-Wan and Seja interacting with one another. He's noticing something about the two Jedi, that they are shifting and moving around almost in sync already, as if the Force is interacting around them, reacting to one another. He's never felt react so intensely before. He has no idea what it can mean for them, but he is choosing to see it as a good thing. He steps forward to make his presence known to them both, Obi-Wan and Seja turning to him and placing a little distance between them, subconsciously anyway.

"The Hyperdrive generator is gone. We will need a new one" Obi-Wan informs him as Seja folds her arms over her chest. Qui-Gon moves closer to them.

"Don't let them send any transmissions" He tells them, then goes to turn and leave again only to pause and turn back to address them. "Be wary...I sense a disturbance in the Force" Seja lowers her arms and lets out a breath, glancing at Obi-Wan.

"I felt it also, Master" Obi-Wan admits, Qui-Gon nods and looks at Seja, a worried glance in her direction before he leaves the room with the blue and white droid following along behind him.

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