Chapter two

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Packing wasn't difficult for Harrison, especially since the only requirement was to wear yellow! It only took him about 30 minutes to pack but right after he told his parents he was done they immediately drove him to the bus stop. Harrison waited at the bus stop for nearly an hour and when a muddy mistake of a bus stopped infront of him, he really started to wonder where his parents were sending him.

There were few people on the bus, none of which looked like they were going to magic camp.. Ehh maybe one; a girl who had fake elf ears on with a blueish cape. Harrison decided to just sit in a seat that was empty so he wouldn't bother anyone. After sitting in his seat for about 10 minutes he fell asleep till they came to another stop and a loud brunette came onto the.

Ppppreston pov🧝
"God this bus a mess." I exclaimed.
And absolutely none of these kids look like they do theater. . Well maybe that kid! Me and the certain kid end up meeting eyes, and since i dont want to look lonley i took it as an opportunity to sit in his seat.

Harisooon pov💇
Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap. This kid just sat in the same seat as me..Why?? Does he want somthing..? While i didnt mean to look at this kid with confusion on my face, thats what ended up happening.. He ended up staring back at me before exclaimed,
"Oh! Im sorry did you mant me to leave..?" He seemed a bit upset while saying this and i didnt necessarily want him to leave.. I was just confused on why he decided to sit by me of all people! I mean there was multiple people here so it just didnt make any sense..
After a slight pause I finally spoke up,
"No, uhm i mean.. please stay.?" That was so fucking embarrassing..


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