Chapter three

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Sitting in the same seat as Preston was probably, no was  the best thing to ever happen to Harrison. Because of Preston being a natural extervert the two bonded very quickly. Before Harrison knew it the two of them were better friends then Harrison could have ever imagined. Harrison never had friends so this was a whole knew experience for him! A great experience at that!

Harrison chatting with Preston aloud time to pass so very quickly, before Harrison knew it he was at the camp. After getting out of the bus a counselor at the camp immediately greeted everyone and then immediately introduced him as David! After a bit another counselor who looked.. rough.. Showed up and, "Greeted everyone." She really just called them all 'little shits' and moved on with her less enthusiastic introduction which of course revealed he name to be Gwen. Harrison honestly didn't know what to think of the place. it looked really cheap and Harrison found out on the bus that  everyones here for different activities. This honestly stunned Harrison since he was only really told that he was going to Magic Camp.. Not any of this bullshit, but nonetheless he's actually really glad he was able to come here and meet Preston! Both of them had become such good friends, Harrison found it hard to hate the place while knowing that Preston was also there.

David was quite obviously an extrovert. This was proven after he took them to their tents, put them in a circle and immediately tried to make them do introductions and icebreakers. The icebreaker being the most basic icebreaker in existence: "Whats your favorite color.." There was one kid that was very.. upset over this idea. And because he voiced his opinions, and after a lot of convincing... David made him go first.
**Max's introduction here*
After max introduced him self Preston naturally decided to go next!


And well after Preston's introduction people just started to naturally do their own, till it was Harrison's turn. God was he dreading this.
"Uhm.. Hi, everyone..? Im Harrison.. And my favorite color's... Yellow.!"
Harrison looked back at the ground to save himself from having to look at everyone. Preston realized how uncomfortable Harrison looked so he quickly put his hand on his shoulder and gave him reassuring words to make his more comfortable. This was the first time someone ever comforted Harrison before, he was shocked by how much better he felt! He looked back up to Preston and smiled to let him know he was feeling better.
After the whole icebreaker incident it was time to assign people to their tents. Both Preston and Harrison were both secretly hoping that they would be tent mates(?)!
Thankfully they were. David luckily seemed to realize how Preston could make Harrison feel better if he was upset so naturally he figured it would be best for them to share a tent.
After the two of them went to check out their tent, they were found extremely disappointed.. The tents were pretty small, and they didnt look very stable. They decided to split the small tent in half, one side for Harrison, the other for Preston. After the two finished unpacking Harrison was shocked to see how much stuff Preston brought with him. I mean compared to Preston Harrison brought little to nothing! Harrison felt a tad bit embarrassed but after Preston turned around and didnt even acknowledge how little Harrison brought he just brushed it aside, and began to talk to Preston.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2023 ⏰

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