Chapter III.

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  ADELAIDE AWOKE TO  three faces gawking at her

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ADELAIDE AWOKE TO three faces gawking at her. She jumped slightly before they jerked their heads away. She must have fallen asleep sometime while Theo was reading. Her coat was placed over her as a blanket, and Theo was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Theo?" she asked, the group turning their attention to her again.

"Well, Good Morning to you too," Mulciber huffed. Maude glared at him, and he only mumbled, "What?"

"He's around. Looking for some books." Black replied.

Adelaide threw off the coat to the side, an awkward silence following. "You must be Adeline Riddle." A girl she had never met who was previously scanning through papers, stood and held a hand out to her. "Cassandra Selke, you must know the Selke family?" Her honeyed voice perfectly colluded with the vehement Northern French accent. Adelaide didn't know who the Selke family was. Although, she recognized her from last night. The girl had attended Tom's meeting. Her blonde hair was neatly held up and the dress she wore reflected her prestige. Later, Nott would tell her she comes from a French pure-blooded family who recently joined the ranks of the Knights. "It's Adelaide," she shook her hand cautiously. "Right." Selke continued to smile at her and Adelaide remained tense.

Thankfully, Nott returned from one of the aisles of the library, carrying a stack of textbooks. Cassandra went back to her scanning.

"Oh, Ada, you're awake." He placed the books down before making his way to the four.

"," she stood and grabbed her coat. "I'm going to go get cleaned up."

"Do you need me to show you to your room?" Nott questioned.

"No. It's okay, you're busy. I'll ask Polly."

The four Knights exchanged glances. "Okay. I'll see you later?"

"Yeah," she ushered before rushing out.

"It was nice seeing you, Adelaide!" Maude Black exclaimed. Riddle spun around and the corners of her mouth upturned. "You too, Maude."

This time it was Max's turn to glare at her.


ONCE ADELAIDE TOOK a quick shower, she changed into a skirt and a black long-sleeve. Polly had given her directions, once again, and she even escorted her to the room. The olive green silk skirt she wore reached her ankles. Malfoy must've instructed a house-elf to bring her belongings because her entire wardrobe and personal possessions were all neatly organized in their respective places. Adelaide shook her head. Tom had the audacity to think she was going to stay here.

Silently, she was glad she had other clothes. The black mid-length dress she wore reeked of bourbon and whiskey. She let her hair fall to her waist and she put on her boots before exiting the bedroom.

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