Chapter IX.

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Screams of terror echoed through the halls, driving the masked Death Eater mad with the desire to complete the task at hand.

  The interior was draped in darkness, light becoming by a flick of a wand. As he walked through the halls of the London home, he made sure to be extra attentive.

  There were six wizards living here, and only three had been found and eliminated, after all.

  A driving force suddenly had him nearly meeting face-first with the hardwood floors. He crashed into the side of the wall, only catching a glimpse of the culprit's shadows.

  "The children!" Another man dressed in the same identical black robes and silver mask called out from down the hall. "Get them!"

  The man nodded, turning to run after the small figures swiftly going up the flight of stairs. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest with every step he took, his wand held tightly in his hand. Reaching the last step, he halted, now finding himself in a corridor with many doors.

  It didn't take long before he located the only room in which the door was kept slightly ajar, its movement the smallest of sways, as if it had just been meddled with. A soft orange glow illuminated the threshold, inviting him in. The Death Eater approached the door with tentative steps, cringing at every creak that sounded as he lifted his heels off the floor.

  With the slightest pressure, the door gradually opened, exposing the vastness of the chamber. Immediately, his eyes met those of a woman. Except hers were vacant and lifeless.

  She was dead.

  The woman lay motionless on the ground, the darkness consuming her pale body. The sight was gruesome and bewildering to the young Knight, who had never examined death.

  He thought of what could have been her last words—her thoughts.

  Her hand was stretched out as if desperately trying to reach something that was not there, her eyes looking into the beyond. Could she have been calling for her children until her very last breath? Telling them to hide. Telling them to run.

  He wouldn't know because he chose to mute the voices that screeched from every room.

  Suppressing a shudder, he averted his gaze, shaking off the unsettling feeling gnawing at him. He scanned the room, every corner, and every crevice. He limited his movement, avoiding alerting anyone or anything until his gaze finally settled upon a large wardrobe tucked away in the corner. It seemed innocuous enough, blending with the blandness of the room. However, a faint whisper of intuition told him otherwise.

  He damned his intuition, and he damned Tom Riddle for approaching the wardrobe.

  He swore, and he took an oath for his services. The Death Eater truly had no other way but to complete this task.

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