Chapter Six

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Hum Your Troubles Away

Monday Morning, 6:00 AM // TEZUKA RESIDENCE

Keizo awoke to the sound of his alarm on his phone, it let out chime signaling it was time to get up and greet the day.

"Ughh... Morning already?" Keizo groaned, rubbing his eyes while getting out of bed, stretching out his arms above him before making his way towards the bathroom. A half awake Keizo is greeted by a chipper Izumi who'd been awake for the past hour, probably just waiting for him to wake up.

"Good morning sleepyhead! How did you sleep?" She says cheerfully.

"I slept well, thank you for asking." He replies, giving a soft smile at her.

"Didn't get a chance to show you my uniform yesterday, we'll get to that in a bit, but first... oh right... no toothbrush..." He sighs remembering that little situation with Mika.

"As gross as this is right now, I'll have to make do with some breath mints and stop by the store on my way back..." He says, thinking out loud.

Keizo goes through his routine with Izumi watching him intently. He washes his face and steps out momentarily to throw on his uniform.

"Check me out now!" Keizo says attempting to strike a confident pose, but ends up looking like a flustered idiot.

"Wow~! So dashing and gallant!" Izumi says, clapping excitedly. "And you wear all that on a daily basis?"

"Pretty much." Keizo says adjusting his tie out of habit. "Do they not have uniforms like these in your homeworld?" He asks.

"It's a bit different, we have these things called mage garments which are basically semi-long navy blue cloaks, boots to go with it, and gloves usually for extra protection." Izumi explains, her hands moving around animatedly while explaining the various features of her clothes.

"I'm sure you rocked the look." Keizo said, nodding his head to agree.

The conversation trails off, but neither minded all too much.

"There's a question that's been dawning on me Keizo..." Izumi says, scratching the back of her neck awkwardly.

"Ask away." Keizo smiles.

"Where are your parents? Are they here or are they at work?" She asked concerned.

"My mom works on an airplane as a stewardess, and, to simplify what my dad does, he makes computers work the way they do and fixes them if something goes wrong. My mom's always travelling to different countries always, and my dad just needs a solid connection to the internet to do his job, so he just travels with her." Keizo tells her.

"I see, sounds very important." Izumi says.

Keizo gives a quick nods in reply.

"They trust me enough to let me look after myself and the house on my own." He explains. "They also pay their bills online, which lets me deal with small things like dusting and whatnot."

"Gosh, is there anything the internet can't do?" Izumi says with an impressed tone.

"Interesting question, lots I'd say, a lot of stuff can be done." Keizo says with a smirk. "How do you feel about technology?" He asks.

"Well I mean, I've had my fair share of gadgets since childhood, I've built my own bicycle from scratch and, uh, don't tell anybody, but I was secretly working on a suit with these extra limbs you could control with magic, so I suppose I'm rather knowledgeable in that regard."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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