JiKook 🔞

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Jk(preparing the things+extremely panicked) Hyung if he doesn't respond well to it then we need to immediately take him for surgery and we might not...

Suga(super worried):Noo don't say like that....(went to tae with teary eyes cupped tae's face and started gently tapping tae's cheeks to keep him awake)taebear please for me just hold on.... please don't stay awake

Saying that suga was about to put an oxygen mask on tae's mouth but jk immediately stoped him saying

Jk:(worried+panicked)noo hyungie....it contains argon as well as helium it can react vigorously with the injection

Suga nodded being all tensed almost at the verge of crying seeing that tae tried to chear his lover mood so he said (or rather tried to say over a whisper)

Tae(verge of passing out+weak smile+low voice) do-n't wo-rry lo-ve i am alright.... everything is fi-(cut off by suga putting a finger on tae's lips)

Suga(teary eyes):just shut up i know how fine you are..... please just don't close your eyes please

Jk then came near him with a prepared Evolocumab injection and without wasting any time injected near tae's heart making tae yell in pain and soon he lost his consciousness making suga worried as hell

Suga(extremely panicked)koo...

Jk:(panicked as well didn't want to make suga more worried)  don't worry hyung h-he will be alright for now let's just monitor his heart rate if it goes back to normal then he will be alright but if it d-drops t-then we have to....do his open heart surgery

With that jk assigned Dr.choi to monitor his heart movements and all

And luckily little by little tae's heart rate started coming back to normal and soon his pulse and oxygen level also went back to normal making all of them sighed in relief and after few more hours tae finally regained his consciousness

The moment tae opened his eyes jk took a sighed in relief and sayed with a teary eyes and a broken voice

Jk(crying) sorry hyung all of this happened because of me....i wish i could go back in time....i am hating the fact that you have to suffer so much because of me....i am really a worst brother

Tae(weak voice)i-its not your fault koo.... please stop blaming yourself for this....and don't worry i am fi

Jk(extremely serious+teary eyes): don't you dare to complete your sentence.... didn't i warned you that "you are not physically eligible to do any kind of work" you are only allowed to go to the bathroom other then that you need complete bedrest....now tell me how you suddenly got this tired?huh?

Hearing this both tae and suga's face turned red but somehow managed to hide it from jk then tae said

Tae(lie):ummm....actually....... i was getting bored and non of you guys were here to thought to get some fresh air and went towards the garden...and....yaaa..... hyung found me on the way and took me back to the room and.... suddenly.... i started facing difficulty in breathing....and the rest you know (looking down)

Jk (extremely mad)Why you never listen....do you think we are restricting you for fun?huh?u know what i am so done with you....(looking towards suga) hyung i am gonna tell the nurse to connect a catheter in tae-(cut off by tae yelled a NOOO) shut up... consider it as a punishment or treatment but now you are not allowed to get out of the bed "not even for using the bathroom"

[In case you don't know what catheter is...so it's a tube that is put inside the urinary bladder through urethra in order to collect the pee from the body]

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