Summer ~ Chapter 1

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-Arabella's POV-

Beep beep beep... my alarm went off. I sigh deeply before turning off my alarm clock.

'You got this. One more day till summer.' I say to myself. I get out of bed and make my way to my bathroom. I rub my eyes trying to get the slumber out of them. I did my business before making my way back to my room. I slipped on my bell bottom jeans with a fitted blue shirt. I sat at my vanity and stared at myself. My shoulder length black curly hair was a mess. I got my hair brush and tried brushing out a few knots and that just led my hair to frizz. I used some hair products and then my hair started to look decent. I just stared at my self for a few seconds. I had bright blue eyes and tan skin with freckles on my cheeks and nose. My skin was very smooth and soft I never had acne but I use to get a few zits here and there but nevertheless I am incredibly thankful. I kept staring I have no idea why people call me pretty but they do. I wish I had brown eyes because it would match my hair more but people say my blue eyes make me beautiful but I didn't care I want brown eyes. I sighed and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and fixed up my hair just a tad bit. Once I looked decent I slipped on my white high-top converse and headed down stairs.

"Morning mama and papa." I said. They were both in the kitchen/living room. Mom was making coffee and dad was sitting on the couch reading a newspaper with the baseball game playing. I loved how peaceful it always is in here.

"Morning." My dad said not taking his eyes off his newspaper.

"Buenos días cariño." My mom said taking a sip of her coffee.
(Good morning sweetie)

My mom is Mexican and my dad is American. I have tan skin and curly jet black hair from my mom and I had my blue eyes and my height from my dad. My dad was very short. He's about the same height as my mom maybe an inch shorter. But neither of them cared they loved each other that much. Sometimes I envy their love I hope when I get older I can have the same love they have. My dad is still trying to speak fluent Spanish he's working on it and he is doing a good job. Me and my mom are fluent in both English and Spanish. I'm a little surprised I learned Spanish before my dad did but my dad doesn't really make an effort to try.

I went to get an apple from the bowl of fruits we always have lying out. Then I went to the couch to watch the baseball game. The LA dodgers were playing and that was me and my dad's favorite team. The only thing me and my dad have in common is that we both like baseball. He taught me everything I know. I always adored me and my dads relationship. And I know deep down he did to. Whenever one of us is bored we usually go outside the backyard and pass the ball around. I kept watching the game until I finished my apple and had to go on the bus.

I bid my goodbye to my parents and headed out the door. My backpack was hanging off one shoulder like usual. I saw the sandlot boys waiting by the bus stop. I admired Benny. I always had a slight crush on him. But so does almost ever girl in our grade. Benny was very good looking he has olive skin, beautiful hazel eyes and he was tall. But my personal favorite things about him was that he was really good at baseball and he had awesome personality. Once I made it at the bus stop I made short eye contact with Benny but I looked away before anything got to awkward.

"Hey Arabella." Kenny said. Kenny was kinda my friend we sit next to each other in science class and we make jokes a lot. He was a pretty funny dude.

"Hey Kenny." I said standing next to him

"Are you excited for summer?" He asked looking down at me

"Duh." I said playfully rolling my eyes

He shook his head at me. He was about to say something before the bus came driving towards us.

"Bye Arabella. I'll see you in science."

If Only You Knew//Benny Rodriguez❤️⚾️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang