Spies ~ Chapter 3

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-Arabella's POV-

I made it back to my house after that dreadful experience babysitting Kenny's brothers.

"Mom! I'm home." I said shutting the front door behind me

I heard her footsteps come closer, "How was it? Are you going to come back?" She had a big grin plastered on her face and it disgusted me. Yeah I'm in a sucky mood don't blame me.

"It's was awful. And I'm never stepping foot near those kids again." I responded sincerely.

She looked shocked, "What why? Those boys were so sweet."

I scoffed, "Pfttt anything but sweet. I think they gave me like 10 bruises."

She rolled her eyes, "Good one." She laughed

"I'm being serious mom!" I yelled a little, "All those little sh*ts did was trip me, shoot me with a nerf gun, and threw many basketballs at me. And that baby got baby food all over me and it wouldn't stop crying!"

She looked taken back, "Ok, fine I guess you don't have to go back."

I nodded and put my lips together, "Thanks. Also they wanted to go on a date with me and when I declined they broke there mom's expensive vase. Oh and after I put the baby to sleep those little sh*ts pranked me. They pretended they stepped on the broken vase pieces that I swept up and it scared me half to death."

Yeah I know I said sh*t twice but my mom lets me cuss a little bit but usually she gets on to me. I can't say f*ck or she'll freak. Mom didn't get on to me this time probably because she saw I was fuming.

"Oh honey I'm sorry. I always see them play outside. For the record they looked like good kids."

I shrugged, "It's alright at least it's done and over with. I'm going to go practice dance in my room."

I liked baseball better but dance calms down a lot of stress so I practice it more frequently. But if I had a choice to play baseball instead I would much rather take that option. Hm maybe I should go to the sandlot sometime soon.

"Oh wait honey!" I stopped in my tracks, "before I forget I have some really good news for you!" She squealed.

My mood brightened slightly, "ooh what is it?"

"Wellll," she said. I was bursting can she just tell me I hate when she does this, "your dance coach called and... she said that since you've been working so hard this season she put you in a competition. And it's not any regular competition it's you and 100 people, whoever wins gets $30! And they are known as best in the state. She only picked you and Jasmine to compete because you are her strongest dancers. So every Thursday and Saturday you have practice. The competition starts in 7 weeks!"

My jaw was dropped. I jumped up and down! I can't believe it. I ran up and hugged her. She jumped at the gesture but hugged back. I squealed really loudly. She looked surprised, I myself was surprised I never squeal.

"Oh honey!" She laughed

I laughed to. My mood sky rocketed so high, I was beyond happy. This news made me totally forget about that babysitting job. I pulled apart and started to go up stairs to practice.

"Wait mom. Are we each going to do a solo?" I asked

She nodded her head.

'Yes!' I said to myself. I love solos. All the attention was on me, some people see it stressful but I see it as an opportunity. I take the attention and put it with my dance moves and I dance 1000 times better. Solos also have people see how well you can dance, so you can't mess up you have to represent yourself and your studio.

If Only You Knew//Benny Rodriguez❤️⚾️Where stories live. Discover now