Part III: Worth of an Angel - Chapter 43

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Jin suddenly bursts into the room, his attention snapping to the two of you curled up on the floor.

"What happened?" He looks at Jungkook's bloody face, and the knife on the ground.

"We," Jungkook starts but pauses, "we don't know."

Jin looks around and finds the sacred blade stuck in the door. He grabs the handle and pulls it free, observing it carefully before walking to Jungkook's side and kneeling down. "Are you okay?"

He directs the question to Jungkook, who nods. "It's just a graze."

Jin tsks and puts his hand on Jungkook's cheek. You lift your head up, wiping your eyes as you watch the skin close itself.

"What about you?" Jin asks, and you shake your head.

"I'm okay," you say hoarsely.

Jin looks around again, probably looking for intruders or something. "What happened?"

You swallow sharply, your gaze lowering, and Jungkook gently runs his hand down your hair before turning to Jin. "The mark did something to y/n. She couldn't control herself." He pauses. "She threw a knife at me."

"I tried to kill you," you state, and Jin stills.

"You didn't know what was happening," Jungkook says.

"I tried to stab you in the head with a kitchen knife."

Jungkook's jaw tenses.

A loud sound from the front door echoes into the kitchen, followed by Jimin and Taehyung's voices.

"About fucking time," Jungkook mutters before moving to stand. "Can you get up?" he asks, and you nod.

You get to your feet, Jungkook's hands holding you steady, and Jin is by your side just in case. Jungkook leads you into the front hall, his steps more rushed than normal.

As soon as Jimin and Taehyung come into sight, Jungkook speaks. "Find anything?"

Jimin is about to speak but freezes when he sees your puffy face.

"What happened?" Taehyung steps forward.

"The mark is what happened," Jungkook says. "Did you find anything?"

"Yeah," Jimin says. "But we need to bring y/n back to the mansion."

"What? No," Jungkook frowns.

"Why?" You step forward.

"The stupid house workers wouldn't let us take the books out of the library. There were a ton of runes that are similar to y/n's, so we didn't know which one it could be."

"You couldn't have just called us?" Jungkook asks as his eyes flash orange, the irritation showing through.

"But," Jimin starts, "we need a demon with a bit more knowledge to see about removing it."

"So," Jin says.

"My mother," Jimin states.

Your eyes widen, and Jungkook's head turns to you. "I... have to talk to your mother?"

Jimin nods. "She's the only one who'd know about this stuff. Even my father doesn't get involved with runes."

You look between all of them, concern clearly on your face. "She didn't seem to like me last time we met..."

"We'd be with you," Taehyung adds.

You then turn to Jungkook. "Would you come?" You know he hates going to that house, and he hasn't seen his father since the funeral, but then again, you might be able to avoid his presence entirely.

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