Chapter 47

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"Jungkook? Jungkook, honey, wake up."

"Hmm?" You slowly open your eyes. The room is dark, but you can see a familiar face in the lamp light. It's Jungkook's mother. "What's wrong, mom?" Jungkook's voice comes out of your mouth.

"I need you to do me a favor." Jungkook sits up in the bed, his eyes still squinted. His mother then kneels down in front of him. "I think Jimin is more hurt than he's putting on." She swallows, worry filling her voice. "Do you think you could heal himjust a little bit?"

"He" —Jungkook rubs his eyes— "he's not going to let me."

"I know. He's asleep right now, but he's in pain." You can see how concerned she is. "Do you think you'll be able to do it without waking him?"

Jungkook doesn't respond for a moment, his eyes glancing at the door. "I think so. But won't he know?"

She shakes her head. "Don't heal it all the way. Just enough so he can sleep well." Jungkook nods before slowly getting to his feet. "He's hurt on his back," she adds, and he nods again.

He heads out of his bedroom, peeking out of the doorway slightly before heading to the living room. He rounds the corner to find Jimin asleep on the couch; his body is covered in sweat, and he's breathing heavily.

Jungkook sucks in a breath before kneeling down at Jimin's side. He lifts his hand and carefully places it on Jimin's back. Jimin's body suddenly jerks, and Jungkook freezes, but he doesn't wake up.

Jungkook then swallows before starting to use his powers, gliding his hand over Jimin's back, and the tension in Jimin's body slowly fades. You see his white knuckles on the blankets loosen, and his breathing becomes steady.

Jungkook pulls away early, not fully finishing the job, and stands back up. He glances at his mom, who's waiting in the hall, and she gives him a grateful look. He makes his way over to her, and she places a hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you, you did great. You can head back to bed now." She's whispering slightly.

"Are you going to bed too?" he asks, and she shakes her head.

"I'm going to keep an eye on him. You go to sleep. You had a long day."

Jungkook slowly lowers his head and nods. "Okay. Good night."

"Good night," she smiles.

Jungkook then heads back in the direction of his room, and he looks over his shoulder to see his mom going into the kitchen. He gets to his door, but instead of going inside, he pulls the door shut, allowing the click to be heard, and you look down at his arms to see that he's made himself invisible.

He carefully heads back to the living room, looking around the corner to see Jimin still asleep, but he doesn't move from the hall. Maybe he's being cautious if Jimin wakes up—because he'll be able to see Jungkook if he does, whereas his mom is mortal, so all his powers can work on her easily.

His mom walks back into the room with a glass of water and a white bottle, and she takes a seat on the chair adjacent to Jimin on the couch. Jimin still looks distressed, and his body is lurching slightly.

His mom leans over and touches his shoulder. "Jimin?" she whispers. "Jimin, honey?"

Jimin instantly jolts up, his eyes opening and shining red as his wings snap out from behind him and his nails extend into claws, but Jungkook's mom remains completely unfazed. His eyes are locked on the couch before he slowly looks around, and Jungkook tucks himself behind the corner. You can hear Jimin panting, but after a moment it fades, and Jungkook looks back out.

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