Authors Note! (sorry.)

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Hey hey, So school is starting for me soon, (3rd of January) which means my posting will become limited due to being in year 10, it beens I will practice GCSE courses and all that crap! But please dont make this seem like I wont post anymore, I will just not as frequently as I like too. I also need to rewrite my plan as it had gotten deleted.


But it's ok. (it REALLLLLLLLY isnt.)

The most often days ill be posting will most likely be, Wednesday, Thursday and the weekends but don't get your hopes up, ill try my best.

Im also still failing my english courses lolll, not funny. I need to learn that but uhm while im here ill say a bit about myself! Why not hm?

HIYA! Im Ellie, im 15, and im currently in year 10. Im a new writer not reader been reading wattpad for years on end! haha.. uhm my old stories are extremely sad read them if you wish to be cringed, uhm yeah thats all I know about me thats a lie I know more but you know its my personal stuff. Feel free to tell me about yourself if you want too and give me chapter ideas as I lost my notes ;(..

Anyway that's all I have to say! Im sorry, but thanks for all the votes and read its going semi-great so far leave questions and please tell if a part makes no sense or is spelt wrong, im a grammar freak who still fails english. Makes sense right!

Thanks guy's! :) <3

-' remember  your old self is in the past. The past is not your concern. The future is your concern, be what you want, not what someone else wants you to be.' -A slightly edited Thomas Shelby quote :p (I'll be adding quotes like these at the ends if I feel like it c: )

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