Chapter Two

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Hello it's me! 100 reads! AHHHHHHHHHH THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!! I was thinking about tagging people, all you have to do is comment 👍 Anyways, carry on with the story.

-Balletswancracker>OUT It's a new thing I'm trying

Sophie lay under his tree letting the leaves tangle in her hair and watching the gusts of wind sway his branches. There were the little things about Keefe's tree that stood out to her, like how the bark was brown and gold, and that his tree was right next to hers.

She breathed in the sweet scent of his tree as memories filled her head. Good and bad but all of them painful.

She sighed as she thought about his death. Again. It was the one thing that never left her mind and kept her awake all night. Every. Single. Night.

A small tear escaped down her cheek as she pulled her hand against the dark brown bark of his tree. " I miss you" she whispered. Sophie smiled as a soft breeze hit the tree as if he was saying that he missed her too.

She promised herself when he died, that she would. Not. Cry about it every day. She knew it was a promise that she could never fulfill, but she thought about Keefe and that he would want her to be happy. That was impossible.

Happy. That's what she wanted to be so badly but it was impossible. All of her friends were happy now as if they forgot about him. How could anyone forget about him?

She dragged out another sigh as she reached into her satchel and pulled out her favorite emotional support stuffed animal, Ella.

"You probably need this more then I do." She said as she carefully placed Ella at the base of hist tree. A small smile escaped her mouth. (If that even makes sense)

Ella would like her new home. Keefe would love it. She patted Ella on the head and felt another breeze sway Keefe's tree. " Your welcome," said Sophie.

She lay down once again and let all the happy thoughts fill her head. This time she felt happy and grateful to have him. It was so much better then feeling sorrow and pain. So. Much. Better.

She smiled and stood up from under the tree. She noticed that it was dark out. There were so many stars. More then she'd ever seen.

Sophie lay under his tree and gazed at the stars. Remember all of the times she and Keefe had done that. They did that the night they got married, and they did that the night he proposed to her.

Eventually, she fell asleep and let the soft breeze and the smell of purified air lull her to a deep sleep. Finally, nightmare free.

Guys! I'm so sorry that I didn't update on Thursday! I had a BOB test after school, and then I had dance for the rest of the night. There is probably a lot of spelling and grammer errors in her, so feel free to correct me! And yes, I'm sorry this is another short one. My original draft deleted and I had to start all over again. The pain. Anyways, don't forget to comment down there! Maybe even vote, that would be pretty cool. Oh! And here are some tags. You should go follow them!



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