Chapter two: Good Bye, CDC.

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Daryl's POV:

Zakaria ran as fast as he could beside me, out of the building that was going to explode any minute. I was running fast as well but I could run faster. I was just trying to make sure he didn't get left behind. Closest person to a friend aside from Carol, and I can't lose anymore folks. 

We made it near the truck about the time everyone yelled, "Get down!"

I tackled Zak and rolled us under a truck. A split second later, a loud explosion echoed through me and I could feel the heat on my back from it. 

I realized how close I was holding Zak, who was looking at me with wide eyes as he tried to catch his breath from the escape, and I quickly let go of his waist (where I'd grabbed him when I tackled him apparently), and rolled out from under the truck.

Zak rolled out a few moments later and I helped him get up into his feet, "Ye okay, Zak?" 

Zak nodded, "I-I'm okay. A little sore from your tackle but thank you, D."

"Pft, was nothin'. Come on, we gotta get going. That explosion is bound to attract every walker in the city."

Zak and I walk to the RV,  where Rick and the others stand. After a quick discussion, we all head to our rides and head out. 

Zak climbs onto my motorcycle behind me, arm wrapping around my waist, "We should invest in helmets at some point. Just sayin'," Zak whispers against my neck, making my face redden and a warmth run through me as I start driving, leading the group to Fort Benning. 

Zakaria's POV:

We got stuck on the highway. We were going to have to turn around. All these vehicles were all over the road and would be nearly impossible to move out of the way. 

And we needed to find something to fix the RV's hose again as well. 

We decided to look through the vehicles for supplies while Dale and Glenn looked for a hose. They were the only two who knew anything about the RV. Aside from Jim, but he can't help us anymore. 

Daryl's POV: 

The group scattered to look for supplies and the part the RV needed. I made sure I was checking vehicles nearest to Zak, worry and the need to keep him safe controlling me. 

I don't like it when he's too far away. I realized at the CDC while everyone was drinking that I had feelings for him. Though, I don't know if he feels that way about me. 

I know he and I are close friends at this point, and I convinced him to share a tent with me just a week or so after Merle was gone. Before we decided to leave for the CDC in the first place. Zak and I rode the motorcycle together, he never asked to ride with anyone else. And he always was taking watch the same time as I. 

But he could still just like me as a good friend. I know he likes dudes. He told me while we were sharing a whiskey I found in the kitchen when Jenner wasn't looking. 

We sat in the rec room passing the bottle back and forth when we started playing 21 questions. He asked about my love life and I told him there hasn't ever been one. A couple chick's for meaningless flings but nothing serious. 

Zak told me he was pansexual, which apparently means that he doesn't care what is in a person's pants, he is attracted to them based off their personality and not their sex. 

But just because he might swing both ways don't mean he swings my way. 

I heard shuffling feet and groans, pulling me from my thoughts. I looked around and seen a herd heading our way. 

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