Chapter Four: Begging:

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Zakaria's POV:  

It had been just one day since I woke up. Daryl was giving me pain medication that used to belong to Merle, after making sure Hershel thought it was safe, and I finally convinced Hershel and Daryl to let me leave the house and go to our tent. 

Hershel finally relented saying that he knew I would probably try leaving on my own, again, if he didn't allow it. 

Which he's right, I would've snuck out the first chance I got, again. 

Daryl kept asking if I was okay as we walked to our tent, which he apologized for setting up so far into the field as he helped me walk. 

Carl ran up to me, followed by a calmly walking Rick, as we came down the porch steps.

"You're up!" Carl exclaimed, "I was worried about you, Zak!" 

I gave him a side hug, internally hissing as he accidentally touched my stitches, and I ruffled his hair before he ran off to Carol and T-Dog. 

"Glad to see you up and about. But are you supposed to be?" Rick questioned. 

"Hershel said I could," I replied innocently. 

"After ye threatened to just hobble out on ye own if he didn't let ye," Daryl stated with a teasing small grin. 

Rick smiled and shook his head as I hissed at Daryl, "Traitor."

"Just don't hurt yourself, okay? Rest up. Hershel said we could stay for two weeks. Said he'd be removing your stitches in about a week and then we'd have another week to figure out where we are headed."

"Yep, will do, Ricky," I smirked at him, knowing he 'hated' the nickname I gave him the way a big brother hates whatever their younger sibling calls them. 

He rolled his eyes with a small smile before walking off. 

After we made it to our tent, Daryl gently sat me down on our sleeping bags and I leaned back on the pillows. 

"Thanks, D."

We spent the rest of the day reading and just sitting together in the tent, Daryl occasionally took a break from one of my books to whittle a few arrows. 

When it got dark, I asked Daryl to let someone else take over watch, and he easily relented. 

"I have to tell you somethin', Dare," I spoke softly, fighting nerves as I turned to face him as we sat shoulder to shoulder in the tent. 

He raised a brow as he turned to me and sat down his book, placing it by the lantern, "Wha is it, Hon?"

"I-I'm trans…I don't have a dick…" I all but whispered. 

After a few long minutes of a blank stare Daryl finally shrugged, "So? I love ye anyways. Don't care none about what ye got and don't got, Zak."

I smiled and I knew a tear of relief had escaped my eye when Daryl slowly reached over and wiped the tear from my cheek.

"No need to cry, Zak. I'd love ye even if I never get to fuck ye," he grumbled out. 

I chuckled and turned my head to kiss his hand, "I love you, Dare."

His face softened as he smiled gently, "I love you, Zak."

He slowly climbed onto me and started kissing me gently. After kissing for a bit and me occasionally pressing my pelvis up against his, I tugged on his jeans. 

"Please, Daryl," I softly spoke against his lips.

He nipped my lip before pulling back, looking in my eyes for any hesitation, "Ye sure?"

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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