⚙︎ Hero Stuff ⚙︎

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↝Hero Name: [ Hero Name -  Tattoo Hero: Irez]

↝Costume: [ His hero costume a long black cloak with no sleeves. On the back of his cloak he embroidered to words "Tattoo Hero: Irez" in a bright white colour. He also has black jeans and black combat boots to match his costume along with som gloves that only cover two of his fingers. He also wears. A utility belt holding some essential items ]

↝Motivations: [ He wants to prove that looks don't make a person. He wants people to look at him and see a hero, not just some criminal with tattoos ]

↝Quirk: [ Tattoo Touch: anything he touches becomes a tattoo on his body. Overall he has roughly 200 tattoos all over his body ]

↝Abilities:  [ anything he touches with all fingers turns into a tattoo on his skin. He has multiple weapons and useful items on his skin that he can use at will, as in he can pull the tattoos out of his skin but he need direct contact with said tattoo for it to work
   - certain words will appear on his skin, these will be words with important meanings to him, such as; love, death, life fire, invisibility or other things.
   - he can also get his own tattoos on his skin such as wings. When he uses a tattoo like this it gives him wings and the ability to fly
- if a tattoo gets damaged it will just reappear over the scar tissue later ]

↝Moves: [ Currently at the start of is first year at U.A he doesn't have any moves and just pulls out weapons at random ]

↝Weaknesses: [ When a new word pop up on his skin he faints for a short period of time as his body gives him that knowledge/new ability. He can also only pull 15-20 items out of is skin at a time. If a weapon brakes while using it it will turn to ink and slightly scars his body. His skin is also very sensitive so he gets sunburned easily and also gets dry skin ]

・゚ ⚙︎ Mercy For Irezumi ⚙︎ ⋆* | mha Mei Hatsumei x Male Oc (or reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt