⚙︎ 001 ⚙︎

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Masashi hit his alarm clock, switching off the annoying noise that woke him up. He peeked through the covers that lay atop of him to see the clock read 5:48 am. He sighed reluctantly getting out of bed and heading into the kitchen.

He walked out to the house almost completely silent, other than his mothers boyfriend snoring on the couch, beer bottle in hand. Masashi payed him no mind and instead helped himself to a piece of bread for breakfast, trying to not wake up the sleeping man on the couch.

Grabbing some milk out of the fridge he noticed a bento box pre-made for him in the fridge. He grabbed the note off of it as he pulled out the milk.

'Sorry I had to work a double shift this morning. I pre-made your lunch for school, whic you've obviously already seen if your reading this note, anyway I'm gonna be home late again to night sorry so head over to your Aunts place if you'd like, she has offered to tutor you and train you so you can get into a good hero school so i suggest you go.
- love your mother Mai ;)
P.s have a good day at school'

Munching on his toast Masashi put the note in his pocket and wrote a letter in return for his mother. He then grabbed out a very old tape recorder and proceeded to call his school.

"Hello this is Kyoshu Junior High please state you child's name class and reasoning for call" it went to voicemail and Masashi pressed play on the recorder. "Hello this is Tokachi Mai calling about Tokachi, Masashi 3rd year in class 4. Please excuse him for school as he will be absent at a doctors appointment"

Masashi a few months back had recorded is mother saying that to the school ad had used it many times to skip out on classes. He hung up the phone and grabbed out a document regarding tattoos.

Masashi loved his mother dearly and would do anything for her, but if he wanted to pass the U.A practical exam he needed a few more tattoos to get the job done. So he forged her signature like many times before and haded out the door making his way down the street to the tattoo joint.

"Hey!"Masashi called out announcing his presence to the people in the room, "Alister! How ya been man" Sid man, Alister, pulled the young boy into a headlock and ruffled his hair. "Haha! The Irezumi boy's back!". Alister was three years older than Masashi, with hm being 16 and Alister being 19. The two had become friends when, Masashi tried multiple time to get tattoos done by the young man, yet he had denied him every single time.

"Back for another tattoo then I guess" he wiped is hands walking around to the other side of the counter.

"A few actually" he sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. "I gotta start preparing for the U.A exams you know, so it'd be good to have a few extra tattoos" Alister only just agreed to give him some tattoos a few months back when Masashi saved his store from being robbed. It was then when he learned more about the boys quirk and how he needed the tattoos to become a hero. Alister had agreed to give him tattoos only if they were words though, he refused to give him any other tattoos.

Masashi handed him the words he wanted tattooed on and then removed his shirt to reveal many tattoos over is back and arms. "I tried to clear up a bit of space so that these words could kinda spiral around my upper arm. Just here" Masashi pointed to his bicep, circling around it to show how he wanted the tattoos.

"Alrighty then"


Masashi was used to the sting of the needles by now and he didn't mind it. "So how many does this make now" Masashi looked away from the needle piercing his skin, "uhm," he gave a heavy sigh trying to think. "I dunno, I picked up some BB guns the other day, and a couple of throwing stars but uhh i think its around 190-200 maybe"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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