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"Look at him"
"Do you think he's part of that gang?"
"Goodness he has a child with him!"
Growing up with a quirk like mine wasn't easy.. wasn't easy on my dad either... you'd think living in a world where almost everyone has super powers would be awesome, like living right in a comic book.. but its not, my father had a quirk that made everyone look down on him in disgust.

"Oh? Papa, why are they saying that stuff?" A young boy sat atop of his fathers shoulders as they walked home, getting rude stares and hearing whispers from older people. Mainly adults and some seniors.

"Huh? Oh do you think they're talking about me?" The man stopped and looked around, "you really think they're looking at me!?" The man said in a goofy voice as he began to fool around with his son, causing him to burst out laughing. The man soon stopped and continued to walk home after noticing some more people staring at him and his son.

He was covered in tattoos from his neck down to his toes. His quirk was, Tattoo touch. So basically anything he touched became a tattoo on his body. It wasn't very useful, he couldn't draw the tattoos back out of his skin, they just sat there.

"Why do people hate your tattoos? It's just your quirk, you can't control it" his son asked as he looked at the many people whispering as they walked past. "Just like how Mezo-kun  can't control how he looks. Stupid town"

"Masashi.." the mans smile faltered, "I wish I could say it was because they're jealous. But its not.. back in the old japan, before quirks were around-"

"Before quirk! Jerez how far back are we going!" Masashi exclaimed leaning back as his dad in locked the door to his home.

"Way before quirks!" His dad exclaimed, "we're talking about when demons roamed the lands of japan" he chuckled walking inside their small house. It wasn't big like other houses, but it was home.

"Pfft demons don't exist" the kid chucked a bag of groceries on to the kitchen counter as his dad chuckled at him.

"Yeah they do! You great-great-grandad said so!" He pointed over to a shrine that held many photos and two large swords. "But as I was saying! Before you rudely interrupted me" Masashi laughed at his father as he continued his story.

"Back in times like those tattoos were mainly associated with criminals and thief's" he paused what he was doing and looked at his son with a strained smile. "Even now mainly people in gangs and villains have tattoos"  Masashi looked at his dad with his mouth agape as if he were taking in all that his father said.

"I'm home!" A lady called out as she walked through the front door of the house.

"Mama!" Masashi quickly hoped of the stool he was sitting at and ran straight to the front door where his mother picked him up and spun him around.

"Hey! How's my little samurai!" He asked as the boy started to ramble on about how his day was.

"Hey Akio" the lady kissed he man still holding their son. "Ewwwwww!" The man chuckled and took the kid out of his wife's arms and threw him up in the air. It was a nice moment, one Masashi would treasure dearly to him.

"Hey" Mai, Masashi's mother walked over to Akio who was cutting up vegetable for dinner. She looked at him holding a smile on her face. Though she wore a smile Akio could see a glint of sadness and maybe hope in her eyes.

She handed him and envelope, and he sighed knowing it was most likely about one of the many jobs he had applied for. "Hey' she cupped his cheek as he looked disappointedly at the letter, "it might be different this time". He opened the letter only to see that he was denied a job.

"Hey it'll be ok" Mai tried to comfort her husband.

"How!" He raised his voice slightly, as to not alert his son in the other room. "How will it be ok. He's supposed to go to school soon and if I can't get a job then- then how are we gonna give him the things he will need to survive" Akio said in a strained voice.

"Look-" sh pondered for a moment. "It's just this town- maybe- if we looked for jobs in other city's we'll be fine" she suggested but Akio looked at her if she ere insane.

"No, I can't do that to you two. You've lived in this town your whole life a-and Masashi as to many friends here" he put hi hands on her shoulders looking down at the ground. "I- I'll go looking for jobs in the city it you guys can stay here ok"

The two embraced each other, tears brimming their eyes. "Mama! Papa! Quick come on! It's them they're on tv!" Masashi grabbed his parents arms and dragged them to their tv. "Look, Aunti-Nemuri's on tv! She's so cool" the boys eyes glimmered as he watched his aunt fight a huge villain.

"She's so cool! I wanna be just like her when I grow up! A hero! Who brings hope to those around them!"
"That was the dream... dad.. you promised me you'd see me become a hero... so why... what happened"

A/N: and there we go! Once again another story.. i made an Oc and it was bugging me that he didn't have a story so ye. Anyway here we go.

・゚ ⚙︎ Mercy For Irezumi ⚙︎ ⋆* | mha Mei Hatsumei x Male Oc (or reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat