The Horseman ~ Chapter 3

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Esme pictured in the image above ^


My vision was hazy as I slowly opened my eyes and looked around the unfamiliar room.

It was beautiful and elegant, unlike many homes in the village. It had walls decorated with gold swirls that sparkled against the candlelight and curtains in shades of deep sapphire that hung from the windows to hide the morning sun. A brass chandelier gazed down from the ceiling, so polished I could see my reflection.

I rested on layers of lavender sheets and silk pillows. Drapes delicately surrounded each corner of the bed - keeping me more imprisoned than I already was.

I moved through the endless sheets and placed my bare feet, one after the other, on the sheepskin rug that lay on the pine wood floor.

Whispers echoed through the door. My slight curiosity got the better of me as I inched closer to hear the voices on the other side.

'Why is she here?'
I could hear a woman's voice. Her tone was firm but gentle as she spoke.

'That poor girl shouldn't be here; she must return to her family.'

'That is not possible, Alice. There was a deal, and she is now in our care and will be a servant here.'
The familiar voice of the Horseman bellowed over the woman's soft tone.

"You are being unreasonable!' Her voice raised higher than before. 'If the travelers catch on that we have her in our midst, all hell will break loose.'

The travelers.

I had heard stories of them, although I had never met one. Some were gamblers. Some were merchants who dabbled in dark magic. Some were performers of the night, filling the streets with fire dancing, and parades.

Most people say when the village sleeps, the City of Lydel comes alive. If you look close enough after dark, you can see the bright lights flickering like dancing fireflies across the city.

'The travelers answer to me. I protect them, and they protect me. They won't find out who she is.'

'Let us hope not. You know how the travelers would feel about village scum being in their presence.'

A hard lump formed in my throat that was difficult to swallow as the word repeated in my head.

Village scum.
I was village scum?

The voices stopped, and heavy footsteps faded down the hall. I peered through the keyhole to check that they had gone, and instead, my eyes met with a pair of hazel ones.

I stepped back in shock, not expecting to see anyone. I edged closer to the bed, hoping to escape the stare.

The doorknob twisted open to reveal an older woman with tanned skin and the same hazel eyes that I caught looking at me.

"Ah, you're awake? Well, It's nice to meet you, Esme." The corners of her mouth turned into a smile, "I'm Miss Alice, the housekeeper here."

Miss Alice dressed very elegantly. She wore a long-sleeved black dress adorned with silver buttons and lace—her ebony hair with streaks of gray softly pinned into a bun. There was a gentle warmth about her that put me at ease.

"Would you like some breakfast?" She held a tray of food out to me that I had not seen earlier. There were various fruits, eggs, and pastries placed on the tray. My stomach grumbled as I inhaled the inviting smell of cinnamon, but I wouldn't give in that easily; it would take more than a pastry to earn my trust.

"I would like to go home."

Miss Alice let out a long sigh and placed the tray on the dresser beside the bed.

The Horsemanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें