The Horseman ~ Chapter 4

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Cold shivers erupted through my whole body; I grasped the silk blanket tucked under my legs and hauled it over my shoulders to keep warm. The soft flames of the fire breathed deeply on my skin, calming each shudder I felt.

The Horseman saved me.

After I plunged into the depths of the ice-cold river, he jumped in to rescue me. He clutched my helpless body without hesitation and brought me back to the surface. The compressions on my chest became urgent as he tried to clear my airway.

Without the Horseman, I would be dead...and so would my mother.

I sipped the warm tea given to me by Miss Alice; she told me it would take my pain away, and it certainly did help. The crushed herbs were soothing as they melted down my throat, warming the inside of my stomach.

The Horseman had confined me to his study so he and Miss Alice could keep an eye on me while I recovered. I had been on bed rest for days, in and out of consciousness, warm fevers keeping me awake at night. Today was the first time I started to feel better.

However, the only company I had was Miss Alice, who fretted over my health and reminded me how stupid my actions were each time she checked on me.

I hadn't seen the Horseman since that day on the river. I was starting to think he was avoiding me.

There was a soft knock at the door, and in walked a man I had not seen before. Waves of auburn brown hair caressed his forehead, and a slight stubble reached across his perfectly carved jawline. Emerald green eyes darted over to me, kneeling by the fireplace.


With just one word, he made my chest flutter with different emotions. Confusion was one of them.


I didn't expect him to look like he did. He was young, merely a few years older than me, and did not look capable of causing anyone pain, especially the poor villagers.

"I-I-where is your cloak?" He gave me a wolfish grin, clearly expecting me to say this.

"I lost it in the river saving you. I'm waiting for a new one to arrive from the city."

He pressed a firm hand to my forehead and felt the temperature.

"You aren't burning up too much, and the shivers have stopped."

Probably because all I could think about was him being so close to me, scrunching his eyebrows together with concern as his evergreen eyes checked over me.

"You should be well enough for tonight."


"We are hosting a party."

"A party?"

"Are you just going to repeat what I'm telling you?" The same wolfish grin stretched across his face again.

"My good friends from the City of Lydel will be here."


"I will need you to be on your best behavior."

I almost scoffed at his words but held back from doing so.

"Can you do that for me...can I trust you?"

"It's not like I can run away again." I crossed my arms over each other and lightly tapped my foot on the ground, "Why do you need me there?"

"The people visiting here love a celebration, and as their host for the night, I want them to enjoy themselves. I need you to serve them food, join in on the fun and be around when I need you to be."

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