Chapter 3: FOWL's Secret Hideout

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"Oh, Director!" Black Heron called. "We have found Scrooge on the edge of the cliff!" While half of her body was fully generated, the other half looked somewhat like a green screen, changing form when you looked at it.

"Scrooge's family is all away on a world tour. All he has left is the puny red-hat nephew and April, or Weblina, or whatever that monster of a clone I created was named. Now that May and June have gained their trust, we might as well be able to take their family away, one by one. I've already got one that will have Scrooge aching to come and save, Miss Goldie O'Gilt." Goldie was behind Black Heron, her mouth taped and her hands roped behind her back. "I may be a bit sneaky sometimes but I'm never working for FOWL!" she muttered. "Oh, what's that?" Black Heron turned around. No. Scrooge will never come to save you because he doesn't have his family. Without his family, he is nothing! I've learned that the hard way, It's taken months to regenerate my body and when It's done, Scrooge will finally be done!"

Bradford, who was standing next to her, interrupted her evil scheming. "Yes, yes Heron, just take Scrooge's girlfriend out of here if she won't agree to work with us. But I mean, she could be so rich...imagine being better than Scrooge." He turned his head back to Goldie. "You could have everything." Goldie stopped walking, and the tape fell off her mouth. "No! I'm never working for you!" Heron shook her head. "We do need stronger tape. May! June! Take her away!"

"Yes, Mommy!" May said, aggressively yanking Goldie's arm. "What shall we do to her? Kill her?" Heron shook her head. "We need to lure Scrooge here somehow. Lock her in the pool of crocodiles." The twins nodded. "Oh, and if Webby comes..." May started to ask. 

"Destroy her." Heron replied.

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