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     "Ryan! Ryan!" his roommate repeatedly called his name from the other end of their shared space. He groaned and slowly opened his eyes, staring up at the ceiling. The college student most definitely did not want to leave the warmth and comfort of his bed, but he had to get to breakfast.

     "Shut the fuck up Justin." he barked as the cat boy screamed random words in his ear.

     "Get the fuck up, Ryan." he said, partially mimicking his words. For this, he received a gentle slap on the side of his face.

     "You wanna come at me? Bro you wanna get at it?" Justin yanked the blanket off him and they both toppled to the ground as he picked Ryan up.

     "Look at what you did bro. Now we're both on the floor." he glared at Justin and helped himself up.

     They both got dressed and went to the bathroom together. While brushing their teeth, Justin made funny faces as the foamy toothpaste dripped down the sides of his mouth.

     "You're fucking nasty." Ryan wrinkled his nose.

     "Do you like it, babe?" Justin said jokingly, laughing as Ryan tickled his sides.

     "Shut your goddamn mouth." Ryan rinsed his mouth and exited the bathroom, leaving Justin to do the same.

     "So, are you excited to see Darren?" Ryan said in a teasing voice over breakfast. Justin coughed and put up a middle finger at him before chugging his water. As if on cue, the rest of their group arrived.

     "Hi, daddy." Darren said in a flirtatious manner, setting his tray and plopping down next to Justin. He winked and put his arm around him. The Vietnamese-Chinese man just gave his best friend, who was dying of silent laughter, a dirty look before shrugging off Darren's arm. He acted like it was nothing, but inside, his heart was pounding.

     "Did you sleep well Ryan?" Sebastian asked sitting down beside him and placing his hand on his thigh for a quick moment.

     "As well as I could with this motherfucker snoring like a foghorn." Ryan gestured towards Justin.

     "Yeah, when I slept with him I was awake the entire night. I finally fell asleep and then five minutes later he was screaming for me to wake up." Oliver laughed.

     "Fuck y'all. I thought we were friends." Justin sat in his chair and looked annoyed.

     "Don't be annoyed, daddy. I'm here." Darren inched closer and they just stayed there for some time.

     "Are you done flirting or should we leave?" Regie broke the silence. They both snapped out of it and returned to their food, Justin red as a tomato and Darren just seeming chill.

     The boys went on with their day as usual, and when nine o'clock rolled around, they were all exhausted. Ryan and Justin joined a video call with the other boys, and they all chatted for some time before deciding it was time to go to sleep.

    "G'night guys." Oliver said, waving good-bye with Regie and leaving the call. The both fell back into the warm cocoon of blankets they had created and spooned one another. After a few minutes, their eyelids became heavy and they drifted to sleep in each other's embrace.

     "Maybe they're fucking." Justin said, and everyone still on the call laughed.

     "Yeah, because the dorm is a great place to do that. Where a residential advisor can knock on the door and embarrass them." Ryan said.

     "I don't think they'd be intimidated or embarrassed. They're both animals with each other." Kane pointed out.

     "For real. They can never get their hands off each other." Darren pointed out. "Anyways, I'm tired as fuck so goodnight."

     "Yeah, same. Bye, fuckers." Justin said, ending the call as Ryan pouted and bid his goodbyes. He got up from Ryan's bed and dragged his feet across the floor to his own, falling asleep almost instantly.

     "Goodnight Justin." Ryan said, even though he knew his roommate was already in the land of dreams. He plugged the charger in his phone and closed his eyes.

     But for some reason, that night all he could dream about was a tall man he knew that had terrible fashion sense and made funny faces sometimes. Someone that never failed to make his heart flutter ever so slightly, breathing to quicken. Sebastian Moy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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